
Thursday 29 October 2020


Staying with the divine messages received, "AMINO ACIDS", and today has soon as I went on-line I was given the message, "RNA". This video explains DNA -v- RNA and the importance of amino acids. 

New Cancer Drugs and Rheumatoid Arthritis what they have in common with each other.


What does beer do to the essential nutrients in the body? It can create nutritional deficiencies and can disrupt the proper functioning of the body. That is why people that are diagnosed with cancer or any other serious health condition should never drink any beer.

One of the reasons that Donald John Trump is so fit for his age, he doesn't drink alcohol. Also the older that you get the more alcohol impacts upon the body because what the body produces naturally to keep it healthy starts to decrease around the age of 35. 

I'm not a scientist or a biologist, I don't have a technical brain either, I follow the divine messages that I receive and see where great Spirit is leading me with the messages being given. 

One of the issues with the medics is that they tell people not to drink when they're taking pharmaceuticals or have a serious health condition but they don't explain to the patient the reason why. 

How can the patient comprehend their own health condition if the medics don't explain to the patient how their anatomy works? I am a strong advocate for teaching children anatomy in schools. It is imperative for children to learn how their bodies function and what can impact detrimentally upon their bodies. It is crucial that children understand themselves when they are old enough to do so. 

My dad would have a drink, but never more than two glasses of wine or beer. He didn't drink everyday either. I would call him an occasional drinker. My mother drank far more than my dad after a bereavement in her 40s, she had high blood pressure after that and an arthritic condition developed in her 50s. She ate well and had a healthy balanced diet, she was an excellent cook. Mum also took vitamins too, she was a great believer in supplementation. 

A woman that I know that has drunk a lot during her life also has high blood pressure and she has recently been told that she has diabetes. The friend certainly has nutritional deficiencies because of her diet. 

This is a great link on AMINO ACIDS with different articles, interesting that cats and dogs have been found to have amino acid deficiencies and they don't drink alcohol.

Another message that I received last night was "MITOCHONDRIAL", my son's dad was epileptic, although this video says that the mitochondrial is inherited from the mother. Has far as epilepsy is concerned Great Ormand Street Children's Hospital did a two year study with children. The epileptic children that were put on a low carb, high protein diet experienced an elimination of their epilepsy, their fits stopped completely.

Has far as that 2nd video is concerned on mitochondrial diseases, we know that the nutrition of the mother impacts upon the child in the womb. So for instance while I was pregnant I couldn't eat any spicy foods at all and my body was asking for oranges. My diet was low carb and I ate mainly chicken, fish, salads and fruit because that is what my body was asking for. While pregnant I was also living next door to a great cook and we used to cook for each other. 

Scientists are always making new discoveries and the new discoveries can be very powerful for health, this scientific video is on an amino acid "Ergothioneine" and where it can be found in food.

Interesting that mushrooms have the most of the amino acid "Ergothioneine" and I had mushrooms with my steak dinner last night. I do like garlic mushrooms. Dad used to take us mushroom picking just before sun up to have with our English breakfast. He was very intuitive, although he also had a great friend that was a nutritionist specialist. My family were indeed blessed and fortunate to have him has a family friend, he certainly got dad on track with nutrition. 

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