
Tuesday 22 September 2020

"My love for you is incontronable" Message

 It is the first time I've been given the word "incontronable" and it can be found in French. "L'incontronable". The translation of the word in English is "incontrovertible" and it is an adjective that means it cannot be denied or disputed. It is often a word to do with evidence, when the truth is so conclusive that there can be no other truth.

That's a message to take to bed with me tonight on the Autumn Equinox with the Sun and Mercury in Libra. I slept deeply on the Autumn Equinox in my shul. 

He was hard work to mentor, although easy to love, he never gave up on this love and that can make miracles possible. Now I have a Libra neighbour I know what they can be like, three years we've lived next door to each other. When I tell him off he laughs and thinks about what I've said afterwards. He's made amazing breakthroughs the last three years. 

For three years two different Libra's in my life, both born in October, two different ages. I told the youngster I wouldn't have bothered with you, if you didn't love me.  Big smiles. You have to believe that they will make a breakthrough when they're ready. Have faith, trust. Don't stop telling them the truth, eventually it does become self-evident. 

We are winning October Winner, what an experience a spiritual marriage on a different plane of existence. Divine love in manifestation, George is all for it. 

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