
Wednesday 23 September 2020


The Autumn Equinox was on the "Day of Restless Drive". I found the Equinox to be emotional, being a master of emotion, I didn't allow it to get the better of yours truly.  I have experienced restless nights in the lead up to the Equinox too. It was an arty Equinox, I felt compelled to start decorating with paint. 

This week I have to arrange new tax and insurance for my October Winner car. I keep on being shown an offer to travel and when it comes to go without hesitation. 

The Sun is in Libra, and on the 27th of September Mercury moves into Scorpio, so communications are bound to be a lot more intense, Scorpio is very deep indeed and it can be profound. The 27th of September is the "Day of Ambiguous Hero". so be clear in your intentions and written word, has words can have more than one meaning. 

Mercury will be in Scorpio for a month until the 27th of October and do remember that Scorpio can sting with its communications, they can be very sharp. I am certainly enjoying some of the comments in response to youtube videos, they make me smile. 

Especially the comments about the virus activating after 10pm and that is why Boris proceeds to place a curfew on pubs. Very funny, have faith, keep on it, life, laugh, love. Scorpio's are very physical and it is how they express their love. So we can anticipate a lot of that type of communication in the coming month. 

A friend in London was born with Libra on the cusp of Scorpio, hence, communications are imperative for him at this time. Air and water together that's interesting isn't it, they can go deep into the healing process when they choose to do so, they have the analytical brain to process it once they know how to do it in a spiritual psychological way. It's great I used to love finding the treasure within, such amazing breakthroughs. Is it time for a holiday yet?  Last time I had a holiday was in 2008, two weeks sitting in the sunshine in the sunshine state that Trump loves. 

On the 1st of October it will be the full moon in Aries and that is on the day of "Top Dog" so a great time to get a puppy or train a dog. A friend bought a dog earlier in the year and she called him George, he's had some puppy training and now he is far more well behaved. She even got his DNA checked out. George likes coming to see me, he goes to the dog basket to see what treats I've bought for him. He's great at agility, I think he's going to be a star and win loads of rosettes.

My dad was an Aries and he loved dogs and rallies, he loved going on a march in London. He'd be so happy that our SAS veterans are protecting our great speakers and protestors in his home of London. 

Gerard Batten is also an Aries and he's still at it on Twitter, a great Twitter feed to follow if you like our patriots. There are rallies every weekend in London protesting the lockdown, covid vaccine, the fight to defend freedom continues. Recently a friend's mum told her daughter stop complaining and do something about it. She's so right. 

Look at this Teddy Bear, I'd love a Lagotto to cuddle, top dog. 

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