
Wednesday 23 September 2020


Still in the Autumn Equinox energies, very arty time, painting, decorating the new Lotus healing room with May Queen Period Crown paint. 

The Sun is in Libra now and that can challenge people to be the best that they can be. Wisdom's advice lead by example, when people see how you work with the challenges in this timeline, it helps others to catch up with you. 

Twice recently I've been asked for a business card. If I am starting a new business, and if I'm seeing clients, it is an interesting development when clients ask for you when you are not asking or looking for it. Divine providence. Is it time for yours truly to come out of semi-retirement she wonders, let's see if we get a third request. 


There is something special about when the Sun is in Libra re-aligning the balance in an harmonious and beautiful way. Quality being more important than quantity, I prefer quality time with friends of quality. 

People have also been asking if I sell my paintings when they visit my home, an emerging artist that spreads the paint for pleasure. I do healing paintings when required for people, I do paintings for new borns for their life journey and I just spread the paint when I am inspired or compelled to paint. I usually gift my best paintings. 

This week I found articles and a book that I had written pre-2008 words that haven't been published yet. George Michael spoke about a book at the start of 2020 and he showed me the cover and the title of it. George and Diana also spoke of a new life this year, those two are amazing with their communications from the Spirit world. Always in my heart. 


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