
Sunday 20 September 2020

AUTUMN EQUINOX 22nd September 2020

That came around quickly, it is Autumn Equinox on Tuesday the 22nd of September, 2020. The Sun also moves into the air sign of Libra, sign of the scales of justice, balance and harmony. The 22nd of September is the day of "Restless Drive", so you might find yourself having restless nights or feel restless about your current situation, friendships, relationships and or work direction. 

You could feel restless where you are living and feel the urge to move to a location that is more balanced and harmonious for you and your life. You could find yourself finishing something that isn't satisfying for you and that can include a relationship. If you feel unsatisfied with the status quo, best you do something about it. Take action. 

The financial aspects could be an important factor that impacts upon your decision making process and so could your close friends and associates be a major consideration on what move you decide upon. 

22 is also a master number of charity, angels and leadership. Hence, there is bound to be lots of spiritual views on this important Autumn Equinox. The Sun will be in Libra for a month, until October 22nd. 

Mercury is still in Libra until 27th when it moves into Scorpio, rather fortunate for those that are born on the Libra-Scorpio cusp. As they get an extensive opportunity to communicate what they must. 

The Autumn Equinox a time for people to think about what is ahead this autumn and wintertime, to think about your future and how you choose to live your life in freedom.  I read on-line that people have already started panic buying and some have cancelled Christmas and New Year celebrations due to Boris Johnson's rule of six in the UK.  Do you remember the Semester message received prior to that announcement? 

Gladly, professionals are standing up to the government measures and there have been weekly rallies in London with great speakers that include doctors, nurses, business owners etc. Whistleblowers too are standing for freedom, anti-lockdown, anti-Covid vaccine etc. 

Nine months into the year and 9 is the numeric of divine love and completion after September a new quarter begins. It is time to be more prudent financially to ensure that you can afford the winter bills, as we know the winter bills are always more expensive than the rest of the year. Libra can be cautious and it can also be self-serving, so make sure that people don't take advantage of your generosity of Spirit, especially now. 

Hope you have a great Equinox in this New Jewish Year of 5781, keep your eyes open for the window of opportunity that can be seen during times of difficulty. Our country is certainly facing many difficulties at this time and when the Sun is in Libra it can be very challenging. It isn't easy to achieve the perfect balance in your life, it takes a lot of work on being consistent and that requires self-discipline and integrity. 

So my message for this Equinox is about consistency, perseverance and integrity, don't give up, even though you might have to change some things in your life to attain consistency, soldier on, boots on. Make your health your priority, it is essential that you take great care of yourselves in this timeline. 

Take responsibility, due to the forces that are working against humanity and natural healing methodology. We have plenty of great science to support us and our new strategic protocols. Stay confident in your abilities and don't give into government control mechanisms. 

Rise above it and if that means cancelling appointments due to trade bodies that are in bed with the British government then do so. Take heed of your heart of conscience, your heart of integrity and don't go against your own conscience, be true to yourselves, be true to great Spirit.  When things are right and in order the path becomes clear for you. The same with timing, when the timing is perfect amazing realities can come to be. Including miracles. 

Sometimes you can become restless because it is time to make a change in your life to improve it on some level of being. Sometimes the restlessness is urging you to make a decision, take action, make up your mind, stop procrastinating, as Libra can procrastinate and then wish they had taken action when the opportunity was right in front of them. 

Amazing opportunities don't present themselves very often in a lifetime for most people, so when they do appear make sure that you are open to receive the new life situation that is on offer; then many blessings can come to be. If you are in business, don't be product led, respond to your clients and customers in the best way that you know how. Keep your eyes and ears open to receive the abundance that can be yours when you are aligned with your divine purpose and reason for being. 

Prosperity can come in many different ways when you least expect it. In the same way that you can receive a sudden improvement in your health due to your consistency and staying on track with your healing modalities. Rewards can come when you are being true to that which is natural, it means being faithful and true to the divine. 

Divine love beyond measure 

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