
Friday 21 August 2020

Jesus said "It's Narrow"

Whilst praying last night for a beloved friend, Jesus responded, "It's narrow". Today I looked at the Hebrew word for narrow and it can also mean tight, as in growing through or moving through a tight space or situation that can be a difficulty. The more slender you are the easy it is and that can also apply to health. Holistic health is certainly a narrow spiritual path, being healthy, mind, body and soul has G-d intended.

This is a link to a word study on the Hebrew word for "Narrow". It emphasises that no matter how tight a situation that you find yourself in, there is always an opening made available for you to get through.  In has much has there is always room for hopefulness and a brighter future ahead. For instance when the medics told me there was nothing that they could do for my genetic skin condition in the 80s, that is when I returned to original natural medicine. With every improvement, with every breakthrough, increased trust in it was gained.

Of course, you could also view it as a narrow/slim chance or new opportunity to be a better person. Has in removing the "dross" from the soul that comes off. It can be a purification of the soul and every spiritual person goes through that process at some point in their lives due to past life memories that we carry unconsciously in our memories.

Sometimes you can offer a person healing but it is up to the soul to accept the healing opportunity, otherwise they can get "stuck" on their spiritual journey. Some people come up with all the excuses under the sun on why they won't or can't do something. Rather then share all the positives of why it is so important that they do receive healing.

For instance today I was talking to someone about their nutrition again and I've asked that they keep a food journal so that they can look back at what they ate and when they start having serious headaches. If people are not willing to change and improve what they put into their mouths what use is it for us to even speak to each other about it?

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