
Wednesday 19 August 2020


In America the new moon in Leo was on the "Day of Endurance", and the UK it is on the "Day of Surprise" in numerics. Home improvements are really starting to come together now. The creative art studio is finished. There is just a few shelves and a rail to put up in the new pretty bedroom.

Remember the message about "Pretty thoughts" in 2019? My new bedroom is filled with everything pretty.  It is full of roses, hearts, lights and plants on plinths.


This New Moon working on the healing room, you could call it Buddha's lounge. As it has an eastern touch and style to it. In this room is my inversion table, sauna/steamer and massage couch for Reiki healing. The Lotus room, great for meditation, stretching the back and healing.

I was born with the Pluto in Leo generation. I live in the south east of England and that is great in Feng Shui for people that were born in a year ending in the numeric of four.

So any lovely surprises this new moon? I did hear from Italy regarding a Lagotto puppy, and I did find some bargains while treasure hunting in the charity warehouses this new moon. My home is being transformed and it reflects the different aspects of my personality, character and heart in this timeline. The garden is flourishing and looks lovely too.

In sincerity, I hope that your life is full of wonderful surprises and you are making your life suitable for you in this timeline. Health, healing and happiness, this is our happy ever after.

The happiness within yourselves and the homes that you make, the beauty of what you see, harmonious, balanced and useful. For yours truly it is great to have the time and money to reorganise, do makeovers of each room, how I like it to be for this phase of my life.

The message that I received this new moon was "SHAKTI", the feminine force, power and energy. Sometimes personified as a goddess of empowerment. For life and living it her male counterpart has to have her in his life, without her he dies, with her, his life is extended.

Interesting that a majority of women tend to live longer than their partners, is that because those men didn't meet their soul partners and or the love of their lives?

Did they even look for her on a soul level? An interesting aspect to ponder upon because some Indians choose their life partners based upon their north node compatibilities that relate to their work lives and soul's mission on the planet.

Compatibility with the soul's mission is hugely important, far more important than most people realise, especially when young men tend to choose a wife. It is crucial that people marry for the right reasons and have the compatibility in their work lives.

Venus is in Cancer and it is brought more to the fore in these times, the sign of Cancer is very, very sensitive, a hard shell and soft inside like George Michael was.


While listening to that song, my Reiki hands switched on automatically, red hot. That's an excellent sign.

The lockdown has had a huge impact on relationships, friendships and communities including children.  My car has been a godsend, I couldn't have managed has great as I have without it.

At least I could go out for a drive in 2020 and get some fresh air. Sometimes it does you the world of good to get out of your own energy for a little while, a little break out or away can really lift your Spirits and be incredibly healthy for you. My treat this new moon is a therapeutic massage treatment tomorrow. My body is really looking forward too it.

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