
Sunday 23 August 2020


So how are you doing this ELUL? It began on the 20th of August and continues till 28th of September.

To what have you been compelled to return to in recent days?

I've returned to healing, on the 20th I received a therapeutic massage treatment. I'm now able to access my equipment in my new healing room. The sauna/steamer in the inner sanctum of my home, a call from within to return to it for the health of my body. Return to healing oils, today's treatment with lavender and geranium oil.

A return to the inversion table with partial inversion to stretch my body so that a bone spur in my neck doesn't impact upon my nervous system and cause my body pain and sciatica etc.

Twice my Reiki healing hands have switched on automatically my hands were HOT!

A return to taking my supplements and yesterday I drank Lemongrass that I harvested from the garden. I had plenty, so I used the water has the stock for broccoli and stilton soup that included coconut milk.

ELUL is viewed as the time of the King In The Field. I live on a peaceful field, there is no geopathic stress on the land, there was no industrialisation on this former farmland to cause stress for the land.

Also interesting that I received a dream of a friend and he was playing football on a field.

While praying for him we also received a message from Yeshua.

The Jewish sages teach that "Elul" is an acronym for the verse in Song of Songs: "I am my Beloved's and my Beloved is mine".

I will keep you updated on what transpires between now and Jewish New Year.

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