
Tuesday 5 May 2020


I was in London in the dream, it looked like the Camden area of London. I was in a huge mansion type property, an historic building with high ceilings and large rooms. It was a very large mansion type house that had been made into a hotel. It was clean enough although it seriously required complete refurbishment. Camden isn't the Camden that I once knew has home. This documentary shows us what it looks like now.

When booking it the woman asked if I was black because mainly black people stayed there. I thought that was a strange thing to ask, why would the colour of my skin make any difference?  Who is creating division in our country? Although she appeared to be concerned for my safety while staying there and I wasn't afraid or being made afraid by her. As Jesus said, "Do not be afraid".

We only stayed there for one night, when we were leaving the room in the morning, two black girls came to get the key as they were staying in the room next.

There was a bus in the dream, and we were getting on an off a bus after leaving the hotel. When I got off the bus for the last time I took folders and files with me. The folders and files appeared to be very important.

After we got off of the bus we went back to the hotel (we'd left early prior to booking out time) has I had a bowl of what looked like butternut squash or swede in my hands.  The mashed food was orange in colour, swede tends to be yellow, and squash is orange in colour.

I asked the girls if they would kindly heat the food up for us and they refused. I thought "that isn't very compassionate of you". 

Lady Diana was with me and she was coming in the car home. There were other people that were in the car and we were being driven home, we had a driver.

Diana and I were chatting and she was very concerned that we were going to try to match make her with eligible partners. I promised her that we wouldn't do that to her, then she was happy to get into the car.

She obviously doesn't like arranged marriages due to what happened in her own marriage, remember Harry's date with Meghan was arranged for him, and Meghan was seen in the White House with Obama in 2016. Obama's administration funded China's lab in Wuhan and President Trump has put a stop to the funding.

In the dream her hair was short like it was after her separation from Charles. In this video her hairdresser shares his experiences with Diana during the seven years that he travelled with her. He says that she was never traumatised by going to war torn areas in other countries, although her hairdresser was traumatised by it.

I've been blessed to have a lot of experiences with Princess Diana, our Queen of Hearts. She began speaking to me in 1998 and she has stayed close ever since.

In the dream there was a hotel, keys, bus, food, files and a car, of course our beautiful Diana and a driver.


In dream interpretation, an old house signifies a reunion or renewal of an old association. The decorations inside the hotel were very modest and when it is more modest than a hotel one would normally patronise it indicates a satisfying achievement.

Although the action and other elements of the dream have to be considered. In the dream I continued with our plan to stay in that location, and I wasn't put off by the booker's comments.

To give someone a key in a dream signifies an improvement in your home conditions.

Travelling by bus indicates progress with your heart's desire. Folders and binders in a dream clearly indicate that it was a working visit and filing can represent new opportunities in a business environment.

Food in a dream is auspicious providing the food was fresh and sufficient.  Of course different foods can have different meanings too due to the different nutrients in different foods. I think it was butternut squash due to the colour of it, I do have some to cook and I am also growing it in 2020. Butternut squash is high in vitamin A.

I make a lovely Butternut squash soup. I took my fresh seeds directly from a butternut squash, I didn't buy my seeds for the growing of it. Butternut squash is full of important nutrients. This link cites a study where Butternut squash seeds reduced "social anxiety disorder" within an hour of consumption and Princess Diana was naturally shy and coy. She was born in the same sun sign as George Michael, very sensitive people that truly understood each other. As we know Diana was overwhelmed by her popularity and so was George. Hence they had a lot in common.

Her London hairdresser said that she was curious about how the Supermodels coped with the media attention and intrusion into their lives. She knew that the media attention came with the job, although she was the most popular royal. Everyday she was in the newspapers, the newspaper industry got rich on Diana's back and so did the paparazzi.

In dream interpretation if the car was just a means of transport than it doesn't have any particular significance in the interpretation of the dream.

Dreaming of Princess Diana comes in the category of dreaming of a famous person, and it means to keep trying because you will receive help from an unexpected source. Dreaming of royalty also has significance. Happiness, prestige, and prosperity are forecast in a dream of being, seeing or meeting royalty.

In the dream we were friends, Diana liked to be friends with clairvoyants, prior to and after her passing. There is life after death and she has proven it repeatedly.

When there is true friendship in a dream it is a straight forward prediction of happy social times ahead with good companions. I certainly have a lot of friends in the Spirit world, including Princess Diana and her great friend George Michael. Even Whitney Houston chose to speak to yours truly.

This dream of Diana comes at a time when there is going to be another documentary released about her life in the UK. The documentary claims that Diana tried to take her own life numerous times and it is written that her sons are concerned about the documentary.

I don't think that Diana would've taken her own life after her children were born, she loved her children too much for that. Diana was also passionate about life and living it, she really enjoyed travelling. Diana knew that she brought joy to the hearts of people and our people still delight in her, she will be with us in Spirit forever. She so loved to dance.

In the dream we were both wearing white and that is significant for purity of intention. We were causally dressed for travelling in the UK together. William is most like his mother, he has inherited his mother's dignity and respectful nature.

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