
Tuesday 5 May 2020


Doctors have found that people that became sick had a Vit D deficiency. The doctor says that people can turn it around in 21 days. I agree with the doctor on carbs, one of the best things I did for health was go on a Keto diet, that was nearly 20 years ago. High protein, low carb is essential.

People were stockpiling pasta prior to and during the lockdown. Yet, I know that pasta makes the metabolism lethargic. Hence I have minimum of pasta once every three to four weeks. This is an example, a small bowl of pasta and meat sauce with a large bowl of salad. Salad helps to break down the proteins so that the body can digest it better. This salad was given a homemade honey and mustard dressing with garlic and balsamic vinegar.

This is a good update from doctors featured by Ian Collins.

This morning I had a dream of Princess Diana and I had a bowl of Butternut Squash and that is high in Vit A. If my body requires a booster I tend to dream of it, or am given a divine message and request for what I am to eat. That's a great advantage of being clairvoyant and a mystic. 

I'm not only guided for myself but other health cases too, I have been working intensively on a health case since June 2019 and he is a fan of Lady Diana. 

11 million people die every year of nutritional deficiencies. Yet, rarely, do doctors check for nutritional deficiencies when people start having health issues. It wasn't until I shed two stone that my doctors started to become concerned. If there was more preventative action, many more lives could be saved. 

There was no overlap between the dental profession and the medical profession, as such, my body was in the state of emergency for two years. When the body is under pressure and stressed internally due to the pain that it is experiencing, that then depletes your nutrition in your body. 

That then brings us back to the NHS getting itself sorted out with multi-disciplinary and multi-pronged approaches. Nutrition can be key to so many health conditions. 

We also know that those that have had flu jabs made themselves more vulnerable to Covid 19. There is no safe vaccine on the planet. Some scientists are saying that IBS has been caused by flu jabs too. 

There was no way that I was ever going to take a flu jab, not ever. I don't agree with mandatory vaccines either. I consider it to a deprivation of a person's liberty. In America there has been $4.3 billion paid out to people that brought the pharmaceutical corporations to court over the damage that was caused with vaccines. 

I've always kept a close eye on my weight, so obesity has never been an issue in my reality. However, obesity is a symptom and not the cause. The body has to receive what it requires to function properly and the metabolism is one of the first things to address.

So it is great to receive the reminder that the metabolic system can be turned around in 21 days, I certainly found that to be the case when I went onto Keto. Once you've tried Keto, it changes your menu's forever because you feel so healthy once your body has gone into ketosis.

I get plenty of sunshine in the summer and that is when I feel the most healthy, and because I haven't had any sunshine abroad since 2008, I now supplement with VIT D3 during the winter months. I feel far healthier for it. Vit D is one of the reasons my mother used to go to Spain every winter time, she loved being in a hotter climate from November to March.

Prior to the lockdown I had three weeks of sun beds and I felt fantastic. Since the lockdown I've been having a wonderful sauna/steamer a couple of times a week. I really enjoy it and it is great for the circulation system.

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