
Tuesday 5 May 2020


First painting in May 2020

4th of May, 2020



So how did you enjoy your day? Self-nurturing, showering, healing oils on my feet. It is often the case that we can become lax when we feel better and then forget to continue with what helped us to improve our health. Hence the healing oils are back on the soles of my feet, a daily routine, oils on my feet morning and night. This morning the healing oil was peppermint, lovely.




4th of May, 2020

The weather was lovely in the UK today, so it was a great day for cleaning the bathroom and kitchen, a great day for stretching and gardening. Writing, sharing, cooking, making music, painting and then listening to this video at midnight. A video on Mercury Cazimi: Spirit, Beauty and Intelligence. The compelling love story, mutually beneficial people coming together. When miraculous things can happen.

The message that I received today was "It is working" and I was very pleased to hear that. I have a friend and a neighbour that both have Mercury in Libra and my Mercury is in Pisces. Mercury in Libra people love to chat, they don't like censorship, they like fairness and balance. Communication is essential for these people it is how they express themselves. Earlier in the year I had a dream of being in the arms of a Libra man and he didn't stop talking. Big smiles!

My son has Mercury in Capricorn and that can explain why he is so fixed, although they do tend to be calm and collected with a strong work ethic, communications are grounded with this placing. Only interested in what interests them. So for instance I remember my son being given a two day training course and he didn't turn up for the second day, he didn't finish his training.

Mercury in Pisces is creative, creative thinker, creative expression. Communications tend to be very emotive even when we don't intend them to be. Creative headlines that have been winners for my clients. Self-expression via the arts in writing and painting, can be poetic when inspired to write poetry.

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