
Monday 4 May 2020


If there is someone in your life or someone that you know that deserves a second chance in life.

Who in your life would you ask the LORD to forgive? Would you ask him to forgive those that put obstacles in your way? Would you ask him to forgive your friends, family and children? Who would you choose, who deserves your precious prayer on the full moon.

This is the time to ask the LORD to hear your prayer. 7/8th of May, this forthcoming full moon is in Scorpio and I have Scorpio in my mid-heaven.

Scripture tells us that the LORD hears the prayers of the godly for the sake of the righteous.

I'm certainly feeling the detrimental impact of the lockdown on the health of my body, due to not being able to access my regular therapeutic massage for two months.

I'm sure other people are also feeling the impact of it health wise too due to regular treatments being stopped. I can't even contemplate the huge economic consequences this lockdown has had on jobs and our workforce.

The British government went into panic unnecessarily so, and the cost to our people is beyond measure. Why should the people pay for government decisions that have been detrimental to the health of our people? Why aren't the politicians accountable financially for what they've done to our economy?

Do you know 11 million people die every year due to nutritional deficiencies? You don't see people jumping up and down about that, or locking the country down over that. Even our military have called out the government on their handling of the crisis.

Our national health care system should never be in the hands of politicians and the money men that have done their utmost to privatise it for profit on the backs of the poor that helped to build the NHS.

Even the rich and wealthy doctors gave lands and properties so that the poor could have access to proper healthcare in the UK. Successive governments removed those properties and lands from public ownership.

How dare they have the audacity to do what they have done to a health care system that was once the greatest in the world. Now the NHS is twenty years behind other western countries due to a lack of investment in the health of the nation.

In Finland they have been stock piling ever since WW2, why did the UK not have everything that our people required when our people required it? How forgiving do you think the LORD will be of those that stood against the poorest of our nation?

Don't the poorest of our nation deserve a second chance to improve their health by eating appropriately? Why can't the government close down all of the takeaways that are not providing the best nutrition?

Why did we allow American corporations to move into our country with their junk food? Don't governments have some responsibility and accountability for who they let into our country, and who they don't? Then those same politicians and medics have a go at the people for eating what the government allowed them to eat.

The weight of the people is a symptom, it is not the cause of what created it in the first place. That is one of the reasons that I have compassion for the poorest of our nation. Children learn what they live and if children were brought up on American realities instead of English realities, where do you think that leads our people? Into the same health crisis experienced by Americans.

Do you know in the 80s there was an explosion of Chronic Fatigue in America? Do you know why Dr Judy Mikovits found inflammation of the brain and spine in those patients? Do you know that in America there has been $4.3 billion paid out to people that won their vaccine cases due to the damage that vaccines did?

Do you know that Bill Gates was kicked out of India in 2017, with his Polio vaccine because 490,000 children were paralysed? Do you think that Bill Gates deserves forgiveness from the LORD?

Do you think he deserves a second chance? Bill Gates should be in prison with the Clintons and Obama's for "crimes against humanity". It was Obama that funded the Chinese lab in Wuhan and it was Trump that put a stop to the funding of that lab.

So make sure that the person/s that you pray for deserves your precious prayer.

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