
Friday 1 May 2020

MBS Dream

I had a dream this morning of an exhibition venue in England, it was an MBS exhibition being held.

In the dream half of the hall had MBS stalls, the other half of the hall had charity stalls with second hand clothes etc.

So what does that tell us? It tells us that 50% of the people working within the field of MBS will either not be able to afford to exhibit this year or they are ceasing business and their self-employment.

After the dream I saw a piece of paper and I had written a sentence on the paper.

In dream interpretation to dream of an exhibition presents numerous but small obstacles in your path. With patience the obstacles will disappear. Clothes in a dream are also important as the more clothes there are in a dream the more urgent the warning to prepare. If you see second hand clothes in a dream it can also serve as a warning in regard to business friendships and or associations in the field.

It is often the case at MBS exhibitions that there are exhibitors from abroad, so it could be connected to exhibitors not travelling like they have done previously. 50% less exhibitors is a very large percentage.

To dream of clean or new paper in a dream is a symbol of efforts and with the paper being white it is symbolic of purity. If you dream of reading handwriting it is a warning to be careful who you trust in your circle. If you wrote on the paper it is a warning about being impulsive, think before you act.

That message also aligns with what Jesus said in April,  "Slowly", and "I'm going to fix it".

When people read what I had written on the piece of paper they were asking me to change the words that I'd written as they found the words to be provocative. Although I knew those people could not provoke yours truly. I thought about their request, and I thought I could change one word for a different word that is not quite so provocative.  Big smiles.

There are certain words that can definitely trigger people and during my life I've triggered people without even trying to do so. Aquarians can be very blunt and forthright, especially when Mars is in Aquarius.

Archangel Gabriel, the clairvoyant's Archangel, the blunt sword of mercy delivered for discipline and knowingness. We do love unconditionally, although we do have boundaries.


Archangel Michael's sword of truth, as he said, "The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping".

If spiritual people feel provoked or triggered by a specific word written then seek within yourself for the reason why. It could be past life from the unconscious mind fields, it could be from the sub-conscious and what was buried in this lifetime.

The Christ teachings provided an immense amount of teachings on communications and communication skills.

Those of us that grew up in the creative communications industry are used to being provocative in what we write and what we write has intention behind the words.

It is nearly 20 years ago when I began teaching the "Heart of Communication" to health and education workers, I was commissioned by a government agency to design modules and the heart of communication was one of the modules.

For there is an ART to communicating from the heart. The art of communication can be heartfelt and that can often be seen in poetry.

Communications can be emotive to energise people to innovate change, communications can be challenging people to raise their standards. The health and education workers certainly felt challenged by being asked to raise their standard of communications. How can you raise your standards unless you are willing to try a new approach to helping people?

So what is the latest with Covid 19? "Obesity is a major factor of people dying in the UK". This reports says that a lot of people working in the NHS are also "obese".

I have certainly pointed that out previously. How can an "obese" NHS worker have the healthy credentials to help patients?

I remember an "obese" NHS worker trying to tell me that my skin condition was caused by stress, I corrected her and shared the science that was published in New Scientist in May, 2006.

The truth is that it is caused by mutated genetics due to cuts in childhood. Cuts in childhood can also cause allergies the scientists confirmed.

Instead of telling people to stay at home to keep people safe, the government should be telling people to eat properly, to keep the NHS safe this report says.

The issue being processed food because the body was made to process food, not to eat processed food.

However, most people think they are eating healthy, when in fact, they're not eating to help their specific health conditions and systems of the body that require specific nutrients. A majority of people in the UK require supplementation due to nutritional deficiencies.

We've known for 100 years that the soil in the UK is depleted in minerals due to over farming. When the soil is depleted, that then depletes the minerals in the food grown.

In April, I received a directional dream and what's next for yours truly, and it certainly wasn't going back into exhibiting or public speaking at MBS shows. I was clearly shown that I must be with our patriots. To remain in our county to help our people in our county in this timeline for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Our patriots were persecuted for the sake of righteousness so where were the spiritual from the MBS exhibitors then? How many were supporting the Greta globalist instead of our patriots defending our country and people?



I've just received some great news, our legal beagles are on it with a neighbours court case. The solicitor is putting a stop to the persecution of a youngster by social services. The solicitor has seen and heard enough and is clearly, saying, "enough". That is certainly how I felt about the case in 2019, so I am very pleased that we have a great solicitor on the case that is close to my heart.

The great thing about a horse is that we can out run a bull or a bison and we recently had a Taurus new moon. My young neighbour is a Libra horse and I'm an Aquarian horse, we were definitely brought together for a divine purpose.

It is the first time I've heard this song, 
so many songs we hear for the first time. 

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