
Friday 1 May 2020

7th May Scorpio Full Moon

I don't do any spiritual work on a full moon due to originally Spirit asking me not to work spiritually on a full moon. For yours truly, the full moon is often the completion of something that has happened in the preceding month.

Scorpio can have a sting in it's tail, and it can be very unforgiving of those that stood in their way of achieving their aims. Scorpio is a water sign, deep, very, very deep and they'd don't like anyone to stand in their way.

That then brings us to the MBS dream on the 1st of May, 2020, where the dream interpretation showed us that there has been small obstacles that will disappear, just be patient, don't be impulsive and allow the divine plan to unfold before you.

MBS Dream

For this full moon, this Aquarian has Scorpio in my 10th of house and that is about achieving for the greater good of others. So it can be a culmination on the full moon as it comes to a crescendo of spiritual achievement. Forgiveness was integrated in my life decades ago, that really was where the spiritual journey and improvement in health began.

How can you experience a spiritual journey fully without forgiveness? Ponder upon the nature of forgiveness to the heart and why it is so very important to the heart opening to receive the love.

Giving and receiving love appropriately, can be determined  by the metaphysics of your heart of intelligence.



An Aquarian with Scorpio in the mid-heaven, the introvert-extrovert, fearless as a child, not afraid of highs or lows, although prefers balance and harmony in the life, not afraid of the dark either.

Although I didn't like some of the characters in the American Disney movies and I always liked happy endings to films.

I never sought power inside or outside of my self, in fact, if anyone tried to have power over me, I would run from it and horses do like to gallop in freedom. Aquarius the freedom lover to the core, with freedom being our key word.

So for instance if a boss in a job tried to tell me what I could or could not wear to work, then I would leave that job and find a better one. If a boyfriend told me what to wear, or what I could buy to eat with my own money, then that relationship ended. If a man wasn't willing to pay his way, to pull his own weight then that didn't last long. We just don't like other people trying to control us, that's just the way we are made.

Techniques, talents and skills accrued because I was willing to put my mind, heart and soul into whatever I felt passionate about. Whatever I did in my work life had an investigative focus and that is natural talent for those born with Scorpio in the midheaven. The older we get, the deeper we explore the hearts of people in relationships too. The analytical Aquarian mind goes great with Scorpio in the midheaven.

With it being on the 7th too, 7 is the life number of the Spiritual teacher. With it being in the 5th month of the year, it is sure to be related to practical matters.

This May is a special time for yours truly due to it being the 25th anniversary of stepping on the path of healing with Reiki. It is also the 20th anniversary since I became a Reiki Master teacher, so lots to celebrate this May.

So what does this forthcoming full moon have in store for yours truly? Robert Currey wrote the following in my annual report.

"Competent and Efficient use of Energy and Skill". 

"Your physical drive works well with your common sense. You've enough energy to accomplish tasks efficiently and effectively. Your actions seem to have the backing of those in authority or an older person. 

Where you once encountered opposition or restriction, you can achieve your desired results. And you can stand up for yourself without having to throw your weight around now. 

Time can be usefully devoted to regular exercise. Activities that bring satisfaction and keep your body in trim without the risk of over-exerting yourself.". 

So it looks like this full moon is going to be about fitness for yours truly and that which can also help others to attain peak fitness. Back to stretching, inversion table, steam/sauna, walking, gardening, food growing.

The weatherman are saying there is going to be some sultry weather, so let's have some more sultry Sade. Sade was born in Nigeria, although she was brought up in our county in England.

Did you know that taking Vit D increases your libido? Scorpio in the mid-heaven, very physical.

So what else is happening for the AIR signs during May, bearing in mind that Trump and Boris are both Gemini's. This talk begins with Libra, then Aquarius, thirdly, Gemini.

In Judaism the 7th of May 2020 is the holiday of Pesach Sheni this year, the holiday of "second chances". When people get to eat matzo. Maybe you would like to ask yourselves who in your life deserves a second chance?

I know of someone that deserves a second chance at living life appropriately and in a healthy way. In 2019, I wrote to him asking him to thank the LORD prayerfully for giving him another chance. For the LORD hears the prayers of the godly and the LORD heard my prayer for him.

I also know that my Aquarian son deserves the chance to turn his life around, if he would just be willing to allow his mother to help him to make a breakthrough.


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