
Friday 15 May 2020


Yesterday after writing about the BOW Message received, Jesus spoke again and he said, "Your counsel is warranted".

The verb warrant is past tense and when "counsel is warranted" it was given to justify or necessitate a course of action. It is affirmed officially, and guaranteed.

When did offering spiritual counsel begin in my life? In the 90s, the professional spiritual counselling began when wisdom more precious than rubies was ready to give it professionally. Prior to that it was given to anyone that walked through my front door and required it.


14th May, 2020

Do we find the guarantee mentioned anywhere in scripture? In the book of Genesis we find the guarantee of returning the son to his Father. His safety is guaranteed.

In the book of Romans, the promise comes by faith so that it may be by grace and guaranteed. In Corinthians, he put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what was to come.

I do remember when Jesus spoke of grace when he spoke these words: "You can do it with grace". So I shall call this painting grace.


14th May, 2020

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