
Friday 15 May 2020


I am posting my response to Kipper Central on this blogpost. Kipper Central that say that they are in support of freedom of speech, yet, disallow responses that don't fit their narrative. This is my response to Kipper Central's article that is against people protesting the lockdown.

We know from the Australian judge that the lockdowns are "illegal" in international law. As far as I am aware the lawyers are on to it. Incarcerating our people is causing major health issues for our western nations. I agree with Dr Ursula Anderson, the author of "Taking Out The Violence". "You cannot heal the soul whilst it is incarcerated".

Will you allow this reply Reece Coombes? Or deny my freedom of speech like Kipper Central has done previously? Have you looked at the stats and compared them with the 2018 flu season?

Have you read about the plans of government and their psychological attack upon the people living in the UK? Are you aware that the British government and it's SAGE team are planning to ramp up the "Fear Factor", "Project Fear" via the media, to ensure that our people feel threatened by it? Have you written about that Reece Coombes? Do you comprehend the "power of fear" and what that can trigger in people as far as their health is concerned?

Do you appreciate why Jesus taught to "not worry", and to "not fear"? Jesus knew the impact that it has on health and consciousness and so do I.


14th May, 2020 

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