
Thursday 14 May 2020


When you feel the sadness of life and it begins to impact you. Take a walk in nature and fresh air, let the breeze on to your face. Clear the air in your auric fields and return to your centre where the attained peacefulness dwells in your heart.


Don't let the sadness of life or the sadness of others take you away from who you truly are.

Remember true love prevails. Namaste! There is a lot of bowing whilst teaching and giving Reiki healing. It really is beautiful putting the hands together in front of the heart so that the minor heart chakras in the hands connect with the heart.

Namaste has now become the alternative to shaking hands this year. However, all viruses are airborne, and the Namaste gesture didn't save Prince Charles at the gathering for the Commonwealth participants.

To bow, the anjali mudra with nag champa incense soon raises your vibration again. To bow in spiritual practice if and when you feel planetary sadness entering your reality.

Remember that your inner peacefulness impacts upon others mind, body and soul. So don't let anyone take your inner peace from you. Incense on, anjali mudra on and say, "I am an instrument of his peace". "I bow too thee my heart in loving kindness of the harmony of the divine plan". "I bow to thee love of my life, I bow to thee true love that prevails and overcomes".

As Jesus said, "I'am going to fix it". Salutation on high for those whose hearts have received the divine seal placed upon our hearts. Only those that are worthy of the integrity of our hearts could appreciate our pure intention of healing humanity in an holistic way.

Now those that tried to restrict and restrain the worthy of the spiritual are facing the consequences of their actions and so we must be at peace with that.

He said, "Your counsel is warranted". 


14th May, 2020

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