
Saturday 4 April 2020


Venus is now in GEM IN I, Donald Trump. Boris Johnson is also a Sun sign Gemini too, so a lot of communications going on. President Trump calling out the journalists and Liberal Democrat liberal media. President Trump is for essential I.D.

We have I.D. for voting in the UK, in fact every householder is sent a card to provide to the polling booth and we have to take it with us. We have to be registered to vote in the UK.

With Venus in Gemini it is bound to be a powerful time for President Trump with his communications. I like the way he says, "Excuse Me", the President has to say that to journalists in America to allow himself to be heard. Trump likes giving reality checks to his audience at press conferences at the White House. I think that Trump will have a great transit, the experienced communicator.

Interesting that I felt compelled to paint the corner where I sit white in the lead up to this Venus in Gemini transit coming in. My healing room is white and my lounge is being transformed by painting it white. When you live on former farmland regular painting and decorating is essential and everything always feels so fresh with a fresh lick of paint.

I enjoy the Venus transits and find them interesting. I have a Gemini moon sign, I have Jupiter in Gemini, my 6th and 7th houses are also in Gemini, so a great shift for communications in my birth chart.

My Venus in Gemini soup is SPICY PARSNIP, keep it fluid, hot and spicy for this transit.

For this Aquarian it also great for recharging my batteries. I tend to listen to my body and what it is telling me, if the body asks for sleep, I sleep. Interesting that I had a family dream on the 3rd,  I received a dream of my son and he's a double January Aquarian. I think my son has Venus in Aquarius.

The dream could indicate that his soul longs to see his best friend, his mum. It is a soul longing and he has to work through it.  Mars is in Aquarius and Saturn is in Aquarius and with Gemini being in his 9th house it is well aspected for sincerity and being sincere in friendships.

When there are difficulties or adverse circumstances in his life to overcome he knows who brings him victory every time. His mum always gives him what is essential for life and living it and he knows that in his heart.

Although different to his mum because he's a January Aquarian and I'm a February Aquarian. I've been sensing recently that my son is coming up for a career change, he has to make important decisions, his life and living it, depends upon it.

He has to do what is essential for life, he is a great communicator and he likes technology, mechanical and technical things. I think I know what would be best for him and the direction in which he should go, but it is up to him to decide to make that move.


Had he taken my wisdom on board previously he would be in a far better position than he his now. Sadly, like most men, he chose to learn the hard way in a career of hard knocks instead of making it easier upon himself for the medium to long term. Careers are so important for men, stability is so important for them to be men.

Next week we have the PINK Full Moon in Libra so much is going on for the air signs. I keep being shown that there is a financial win that is coming, justice is coming. A re-balancing, a re-alignment of the scales of justice.

Some are calling this timeline a reboot of humanity and a resetting of the planet. Libra loves harmonious communications and harmonious colours, Libra likes balance and pastels are appropriate for Libra's. Libra could find they are changing their lifestyles now, not because they would like too but because they have too.

It is essential that they have a lifestyle change, starting next week. People have had enough time to think about what they're doing to themselves and their lives and the way that they're living it. Every individual can do something to improve the way they are living their lives to improve their health.

Health has to be a priority in your lives. Your health determines the quality of your life.

President Trump's intuition was correct, so was mine. I've been taking Vit D and ZINC although patients require what Trump has been following up. Have a listen to this video.

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