
Saturday 4 April 2020


This emergency 5g coronavirus hearing was organised just two hours prior to this video being uploaded. Sasha Stone is introducing the witnesses. The first person to speak is an American former CIA spy and he is talking about W.H.O and Bill Gates agenda. Robert David Steele begins the hearing.

Then the Chief Justice from Australia speaks on the impact of the media and how the media are impacting upon government decisions. Sir John Walsh of Brannagh. He also shares the lockdown is "illegal" in international law and people in Australia have had enough.

Another witness is an English veteran, "Weapons Expert", Mark Steele shared about the impact of 5g in relation to the coronavirus.

Sue Grey, an ITNJ Commissioner from New Zealand provides her report and how people in New Zealand have had their guns removed. Sue says that people in New Zealand are stunned.

Thomas J. Brown is a ITNJ Commissioner is talking about different viruses and they can be weaponised. He says the germ theory doesn't hold up scientifically.

Dounne Alexander, MBE. ITNJ Commissioner mentions the "Rockafella Foundation". It is the first time that I've heard of Dounne although she is clearly against the state of Israel.

The foundation that Dounne speaks about cannot compete with Jesus and wisdom more precious than rubies.

I have to disagree with some of things being said in this hearing. For instance there is nothing spiritual about bio-weapons, a real spiritual person would never launch a bio-weapon against someone else. I also view it has economic jihad, especially as the former CIA spy appears to support Islam and stands against Israel. When I hear that alarm bells go off for me.

However, I also have to advise that there is biblical prophecy that indicates a plague. In fact, biblical prophecy mentions numerous plagues. Also remember the plagues that came upon Egypt in the time of Moses, and how Joseph helped Egypt to store their food to save them from the famine.

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