
Friday 3 April 2020


It is really important to keep you body heat up at this time and also make sure you are giving your body enough nutrients and fluids. Parsnips were reduced to 14 pence this week so I bought two lots, I do like a bargain.

I bought one lot to make a SPICY PARSNIP SOUP and the others I can either freeze or roast with chicken. I really like roasted parsnips. In my spicy parsnip soup I put in the following:

The parsnips were grated prior to making a soup and I began with six small-medium sized parsnips and I already had some vegetable stock to put in, that was then topped up with more water so that there was plenty of fluid. I included one medium sized potato cut small.

In a different pan I sante four cloves of garlic, a nice chunk of fresh ginger cut small, two small red onions and a whole red pepper sliced and chopped with a red chilli including the seeds for extra heat. I included three celery stalks chopped too.

Extra spices included in the soup was coriander, cumin, turmeric with some golden sultanas and black mustard seeds.  Black pepper, paprika and rock salt to taste plus the juice of a fresh lemon.

Once cooked all in together, and once fully mixed and cooled, straight into the blender. It makes a lovely hot and spicy soup, full of nutrition to keep you body heat up.

This makes enough for two portions to eat now and the rest can go in the fridge or freezer for another day. If some members of your family don't like hot spicy food you can include some milk, cream or coconut milk. 

Children tend to like a milky soup and they often acquire a taste for spices. My son liked a spicy soup when he was a baby, that did amaze me, probably because I couldn't eat spices while I was pregnant. This is probably because the body temperature of pregnant women tends to be a lot more than normal. 

If you grow parsnips, apparently the leaves of parsnips are not edible. Parsnips themselves can be eaten raw in salads like grated carrots.

So what else is on the menu this weekend? I'm going to make some more green olive humous, and some more chicken liver pate with brandy and thyme. I've been soaking the thyme from the garden in water to give it a good wash.

Lime Cheesecake and a Tiramisu.

Welcome to mama's kitchen.

Mother of Life.

What else is happening? Venus moved into Gemini today, Trump and Boris are both Gemini Sun Signs, so take a look at what Trump and Boris are up to during this transit.

I have a Gemini moon sign, and I have the moon under my Lotus Feet. I have Jupiter in Gemini and Gemini in my 6th and 7th house. There is a lot of Gemini in my birth chart. I like the Venus transits, I always find them interesting.

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