
Friday 3 April 2020


I was up into the early hours of the morning painting, so today, I suddenly had to catch up with sleep.

While wrapped up in my new cosy duvet I received a dream of my son. I only birthed one child, a boy. An only child like his gran was an only child. He is a strong-willed double Aquarian, a deep thinker.

In the dream my son had come home to visit his mother, and I asked him why he had left it so long.

He replied, "Different reasons at different times". We were standing in the kitchen and he had his back to the kitchen sink.

I shared with him that a lot has happened in my life since I last saw him and he replied that a lot has happened in his life too.

Tears welled up in his eyes while he was talking and his eyes were red like he had been crying a lot.

He also looked underweight.

I anticipate that I will receive news from him soon and I sincerely hope that he is safe and well.


In dream interpretation to hear or see an adult crying can indicate that a friend or associate is in distress. Be sure to give a sympathetic response, in this case it was my adult son.

To dream of family can indicate an upswing of your interests. Dreaming of being in a kitchen can indicate that news will be arriving and it can be related to health. To ask questions in a dream in general means good luck with it.

In the bible the LORD counsels the son to stay in the sight of his mother so that she may guide him with her wisdom. The bible also foretold that at his birth he would be late on delivery, and he was, he arrived two weeks late and we had to force the delivery, the medics had to bring the birth on.

We were seconds away from brain damage due to my contractions going at the most crucial time. It was a traumatic birth for both of us.

I had to have an emergency operation to get him out of the womb, at that point I didn't care what the doctor did to me as long as my son was born healthy. Every week a baby is overdue they put on a pound a week. It is better to be early than late and it is better to be safe than sorry.

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