
Sunday 12 April 2020


What will you choose to celebrate this Summer? What are you grateful for in your life? I've chosen to celebrate a "Summer of Love", a 25th anniversary since my Reiki journey began.

25 years since I stepped on the healing path of love and shared it with Jesus. 25 years since my Reiki healing journey began with a wonderful Reiki Master Teacher, Peter Warnock.

One healer became a thousand in my hands, wisdom more precious than rubies. Truly, a Summer of Love, my life and health was transformed and together we certainly raised the standards in the power of love beyond measure. Peter Warnock always in my heart, namaste. A wonderful Aromatherapist and advanced massage teacher when I was first introduced to him.

The last time we spoke he was living in Glastonbury and working with his lovely lady.


It is also another awesome anniversary this summer, 20 years since my Reiki Master Teacher training. the 20th anniversary.

What does our planet and people require? Healing. Reiki healing that oxygenates the cells of the body, scientifically proven. A few weeks ago when I opened my eyes my hands were HOT with Reiki healing, the Reiki fire, Reiki switched on.

This week I had a dream of fast forward Summer, and when I opened my eyes, Jesus said, "It's Summer", and in scripture Jesus associated Summer with the Kingdom of God. We have certainly been enjoying the sunshine in this weekend.


In the Summer of 2019, two young children came into my life and we had a Summer of Love sharing together. After I had the recent dream of the fast forward Summer, and Jesus said, "It's Summer".

I received some great news, this year I will be able to write to the children because we shared so much love including the Reiki healing. Children love receiving healing, they also used to come into mine for healing oils and other remedies.

Children are so open minded and open hearted to the healing help that they can receive. When Peter Warnock and I used to attend the healing exhibitions together, the children were always attracted to the flowers and crystals on my stand.

While their parents would be swanning around the exhibitions, I was often responding to the questions of curious children. They always left with a crystal pebble that I kept especially for the children when they arrived.

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