
Monday 13 April 2020


April 2020

"I knew that you were waiting for me" big smiles. 

It looks like he's got his parachute in that painting.

Hope you are all keeping your vibe high with some great music, eating the best you can and having a great laugh. Prime Minister Trudeau says that things won't return to normal until there is a vaccine. Rebel News asked subscribers will they take the vaccine, 71% said "NO", including me. 

What's normal anyway? I'm not normal, I am paranormal, I am extraordinary and supernatural. 

"Any forced vaccine is a deprivation of a person's liberty". Tell them to put that in their pipes and smoke it, written by yours truly. The Eli Stone series that George Michael appeared in was against forced vaccines too. 

LONDON REAL interview excerpt with Greg Braden, "Most people don't require a vaccine", I agree Greg.  

One thing we can say about the lockdown is it has made people stop to think about their lives and what they are going to do with the rest of their lives. This song is appropriate and sung beautifully. 

It has also been interesting who offered help, who telephoned, who emailed, who PM'd. 

In February, I was given a dream with a message. Just one of the many dreams received in 2020, it has been very intense this year with dreams. 

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