
Sunday 12 April 2020


The most recent dream and "It's Summer" divine message. That is a lovely message to receive at this time. I'm being shown that the spiritual writings have been a success, it has reached millions of hearts in the last 20 years.


"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease" Genesis 8:22

As Jesus said, "Stand firm and you will win life" Luke 21:19. 

I did stand firm and I shared the truth about the dream that China was going to try to kill us all. I received that dream in September, 2019. In 2017, I received another dream of a broken Chinese vase.

The Chinese oriental vase had been smashed and one can view the symbology of that in terms of Chinese exports. I began talking about Chinese exports in 2010, as I was shocked to see huge containers with China on them at the Greek port.

Apple is now talking about moving its manufacturing from China to India. Japan is budgeting to remove its manufacturing capability from China.

In scripture Jesus associates Summer with the Kingdom of God.

I keep on smelling dogs today, and there is a dog behind the rabbit in that painting. George Michael loved his dogs and he was born in the year of the rabbit. In scripture a woman taught Jesus about the healing power of dogs and in ancient times the Romans fed their dogs pearl barley. 

Why is Pearl Barley so important? It has a compound known as toctrienols and toctrienols are essential for enhancing T-cells and making new blood cells. Hence, Pearl Barley is great for dogs and people. 

I have different protocols for different health reasons. Certainly, if I had a dog, I would give it some pearl barley. I would make sure that a dog had it's own health protocol. My mother had a health protocol for her dog she named him BEN. He lived long life, length of days, and was incredibly healthy, no expensive vet bills for my mum. 

The dog licked it! My mum's dog would cuddle her, dad's ring couldn't do what the dog could do for mum. Always remember that you can't cuddle a ring. 

When I first came back to England from Australia I used to have a Spirit dog that would wrap itself around my legs. I could actually feel its fur and body against my legs. The dog would arrive suddenly, if and when the dog sensed that I was in any danger. 

George Michael and Lady Diana are very strong with me today, abundant love that they shared with yours truly.  They were summer babies and I think there will be a lot of babies conceived this summer. Diana and George had a plan and in January 2020, George spoke of an offer that would come. He also asked me not to be concerned about a young neighbour and that he would help him.

The turnaround in young Michael's life has been miraculous since Christmas. He's much stronger than he was two years ago when I first met him. For that we must be truly grateful. He's even asking for Reiki healing again now, the healing path of love. Interesting that my Reiki Mastership training was also in the summer time in the year 2000. Twenty years ago.

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