
Wednesday 25 March 2020


Just seen the latest news, Prince Charles has tested positive for Coronavirus.

That reminds yours truly of the recent message from Lady Diana "the globalists are depressed". Apparently, Greta is being tested for it. So much for her globetrotting, Harry has had to cancel the Invictus Games too.

More on the New Moon in Aries, Chiron Jupiter/Pluto. Aries is the baby of the zodiac they like things to go their way, Aries can be moody when difficulties arise, they like things to be easy going.

Planetary configurations are indicating a world shift. Stay focussed, directed, be specific energetically. The new zone of Aquarius the humanitarian, freedom lover, dignified in love with Venus in Taurus for the rest of this week, graceful, attentive.

What and who is really important in your life are you communicating it?  Who is crucial for the health of your life and living it have you aligned with it and embraced it fully?

It is a time for new experiences and new opportunities for you to change your lives for better, it is a world shift. A unique change is happening, as the bible says this has never happened before and never will it happen again. When you really know your stuff, and you've done your homework, people are very confident, and this talented guy has good reason to be confident in his work and success.

Interesting that Trump won the previous election when Mars was in Aquarius my sun sign.

On the 24th of March, I received the dream of Jesus floating in a river of blood and during the night while painting he said, "RAPTURE". Interesting that happened on the new moon in Aries and my dad was an Aries, the youngest Son of Joseph. Planetary wise the new moon was in my third house and I have my third house in Pisces. So it makes sense that I received a dream with Jesus in it for the Christians to consider.


A river of blood is significant to the UK because there was a famous speech given by Enoch Powell with that title and it was about immigration. I read yesterday that the mosques are going to have to close over the virus. A friends daughter-in-law works for a blood charity in London, and I've been doing a lot of work on "cancer' in recent years. 


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