
Wednesday 25 March 2020


Following the recent dream of Jesus floating in a river of blood, we now have more information on the Coronavirus symptoms.


In the dream a young girl was in the bathroom where I keep my eye wash, as that is what I was given by Spirit to recommend to people for their eyes, an eye wash.


There has been some news today and an alert has been sent out from the American Academy of Opthalmology, it reports that the virus can cause conjunctivitis, which is inflammation of the membrane that lines the eyelid. It can include red eyes and dry eyes.

A nurse from Washington says that all of the patients that she was treating had red eyes and it can be a sign that someone is infected.

About a month ago I was experiencing allergy eyes and the symptoms mentioned by the Opthalmology department. I also noticed blood in my eyes and they weren't blood shot. Hence, it is very important to keep on checking on your eyes.

I went to the Lloyds pharmacy at the time and they gave me a gel for my eye lids etc.  I've also bathed my eyes in "witch hazel" and the combination has solved it. I also bath in healing oils and sniff tea-tree oil. I use coconut oil and moisturise my face, I also cook with coconut oil and coconut milk.

I've had a chesty cough and a few sniffles, but I've kept my distance from most people since Christmas. There was only one time that a person with germs came into my home, and he had a high fever with his glands up and the doc told him that he didn't have the virus. After that I sprayed my home with Surgical Spirit, tea-tree and lavender oil.

I've increased my Coq10 from 60mg a day to 200mg a day and I might increase it further. I also take a glycerine Linctus orally, numerous times a day, as the LORD gave me glycerine on the 7th October, 2012. Of course I am also taking ZINC and Vit D too. Zinc is essential for eyes.

Apart from that I ordered a portable sauna/steamer and I am going into it today. We now have more scientific evidence to support the heat treatment to combat viruses. Spirit compelled my first heat treatment with sauna and steamer on the 12th/13th of February. On the 27th of February I was then compelled to book a month of UV treatments and I continued to have treatments until the salon closed last week.

See updated blogpost. Portable Sauna Essential

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