
Saturday 22 February 2020


I had two dreams last night, in the first dream politicians were in it and they were BREXIT politicians.

Then I had another dream and I was discussing property again, this time I was looking at the possibility of renting a property. I keep on being shown properties in dream state so it will be interesting to see what manifests this 2020 year.

5th February, 2020.

21st February, 2020

In dream interpretation to dream of property that you don't own can indicate some "temporary reverses" and I think that is a strong possibility in property prices as many immigrants will have to leave the UK and that will impact upon property prices both rental and purchase prices.

For those of us that were born in the year of horse, take a gentle trot this year, a little canter sometimes but no galloping into anything that can impact upon your life in the long term.

As changes in the British economy and the economies of Europe are bound to change due to BREXIT. Historically, Europeans always rented anyway, and in some European countries, rent is incredibly low due to the lack of work and jobs in those locations.

Rents certainly have to reflect the cost of living standards, and where rents are too high they will have to come down in cost so that people can afford them. We can't have a situation where working people can't afford to eat so that they have to go to food banks. As the bible says dogs are more compassionate than rich people and rich people get richer on the backs of the poor.

The other aspect to do with property purchases and rental is the fact that flooding areas are experiencing a drop in house prices. This article says that flood hit homeowners face house price fall. Who would ever wish to live in an area that floods like areas have done during the recent storms, storm Dennis brought a month of rain in 48 hours and it was the biggest rainfall in 200 years.

When I was presenting the Millennium Prophecies in the 90s at exhibitions I warned people about the long term for property prices. I shared that in the short to medium term they'd be OK, but in the long term property wouldn't be such a great investment as it had been in the past.

Now youngsters can't even get on the property ladder so it is inevitable that property prices will have to change. As young people can't afford to purchase based upon their salaries that haven't increased since the 80s in real terms.

When I bought my first property in the 70s, I earned enough to save up the cash for a deposit, legal fees etc and the mortgage was a tenth of our joint salaries. The two-bedroomed flat cost £11,000, 10% was paid in a deposit and the mortgage cost us £90+ a month. Two years later I bought a three bed Victorian house for £26,500 and put £3,500 down as a deposit in cash. It was after that when interest rates soared.

Today, the cost of living is so high that many young people cannot get ahead of themselves, they can't afford to save up for anything. Not even to pay for a holiday that is necessary to keep our people in the best of health. Holidays are essential for health and healthy living. My ideal would be to co-create a health farm that people could visit and receive help from so I am investigating the possibilities.

My dad preferred to rent social housing instead of own his own property because he knew how essential holidays were to his health. He would go on holiday at least two to three times a year.

The rest of his spare time he spent relaxing in the countryside. So it is different horses for different courses, people have to decide what their priorities are at different phases of their lives. The older people get the more imperative your health becomes to you. Plus your health is like love, you can never take it for granted like the EU took the UK for granted. Patriots will do their utmost to defend our culture and our country from globalism.

When I was young it was imperative that I provided a safe, secure and stable environment for my child. I was fortunate that I had a great marketing career with the skills and talents that could provide for him with holidays for his health and everything else he required that was essential. As such, he was an incredibly healthy child and he was born a freedom loving Aquarian born in the year of the Dog.

The Sun is now in Pisces and we have a Pisces New Moon tomorrow. Although this video is about the planetary energies in March for the Aquarius water bearers. 

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