
Saturday 22 February 2020


The Vagus Nerve, one of the Cranial Nerves that we work with when we give Reiki Healing to the body of a patient. The Vagus Nerve is incredibly important to the healthy operation and functioning of the body. The combination of Reiki healing and the meditations that people get to enjoy on a healing training course gives essential healing help to the Vagus Nerve.

Studies found that Reiki Healing reduces pain due to the Vagus Nerve being triggered.

Of course it is clear that mobile phones have an adverse impact on the Vagus Nerve due to it being so close to the ears. Look after the little lambs, no mobile phones and plenty of Reiki healing for the children.

I discovered that the nervous system likes soft gentle fruits like melon and pineapple, fruit that is easy on the throat and intestines.

This video mentions yoga, you don't have to do yoga to help the Vagus Nerve, you can receive Reiki healing, you can meditate, and you can receive therapeutic massage that I have on a regular basis for my body. Monthly massages help tremendously and Reiki healing can be incredibly helpful for healing all of the body.

Interesting that the Vagus Nerve can impact upon the state of the intestines and how the intestines respond. 

M for Meditate, A for Astounding, R for Reiki, T for Teach, I for Imperative, N for Nerve. 

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