
Saturday 29 February 2020

OASIS Message

Recently I shared a fortune cookie message with a person on-line. The message for him was thus"

"To find an Oasis you have first to walk through a desert".

Now today, author Jeff Benner has sent through his new translation of Psalm 95 and it mentions the Oasis.

My dad, the Son of Joseph and I used to go to a swimming pool in London with the name of Oasis in Shaftesbury Avenue.

I liked to swim although I swam late due to an accident at 18 months old. My little hands slipped out of dads and he pulled me out of the water by the head of my hair.

An Oasis of sparkling water and Jesus called yours truly his "Sodastream of Love".

He likes bubbly personalities that bubble up with love, he likes positivity and optimism, he likes to laugh and he likes us to look on the bright side of life. Wisdom likes new projects to bubble up too, just allowing the projects to flow where they are meant to flow too. Never trying to force it, just allowing the natural water to go where it is meant to go, the natural mystic is like a hot spring.

This is a lovely photograph of my garden with a heart in it. Home is where the heart is. In the photograph you can see thyme, celery, basil, chives and bay leaf. It is such a beautiful picture with the sun light upon it.


This painting was called "Bubbles", it has a dog in it and bubbles. I offered it to an Australian who loves dogs but he said he had enough paintings.


I found that when a work project is meant to be it bubbles up positively in perfect ease like the perfect hot spring that is natural and healthy. Just like it did when I launched the healing meditation CD's in 2001 and 2002. It just happened without much effort at all, as above, so below.

That's when you know your work is divinely blessed, when it comes together so easily. As the bible says the meditations of my heart. We know that healing meditations impact positively on the Vagus nerve, and Reiki healing also impacts positively on the Vagus nerve too. The Vagus nerve is extremely important because it impacts on functionality of the body.

The first thing I sent my friend in London was the healing meditation CD's and some flower essences and were told he would continually receive divine guidance through yours truly. My buddy says that I helped him to transform his life and that is he is winning with his health condition and that was great news to receive in January 2020. One thing we know for sure - together we beat the medics timeline, once the divine have led you to improvements with your health, who can deny the help that has been given?

I once had a dream of being with a pilot and we left the terminal and walked out into the sunshine together. It was a lovely dream, just goes to show that anything is possible and that doctors don't have all of the answers, miracles are possible. Extending a person's life is a miracle and with planet Jupiter this is certainly a time for extending the life and for reversing the ageing process naturally. We know how to do it, the general public just have to be made aware of it.

It was the same with the paintings it just flowed and flowed like a river that couldn't be stopped. This is another dog painting that I like. It reminds me of Bertie, I gave the painting to his mum in 2019 and this morning I have been smelling the coat of a dog.

Psalm 95 foretold that they would come to the Oasis after 40 years.

Not surprising then that Nostradamus also provided a prophecy about the Iris that would be seen after 40 years. That is when I was found touring on the circuit in my 40s. The quatrains of Nostradamus are like a velvet glove on the hand of steel of biblical prophecy. As I shared many years ago, the word of God is as strong as steel and stronger than Iron.


The Friday message, FRIDAY 5.30. It is the end of ordinary reality, it is reunion with the divine. Once you've experienced the extraordinary you can't go back to the ordinary.

News today is that Israeli scientists are saying in a few weeks they will have a Coronavirus vaccine. 2020 has certainly been a year for discoveries.

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