
Saturday 29 February 2020


Dog 2019 

I can smell the coat of a dog this morning and Crufts 2020 is on at this time. There was a passing of a friends dog just before Christmas so I am wondering if it could be little Bertie. So many dogs are passing over with 'cancer', it never used to be that way. Dogs never used to be drenched in the radiation of new technology. Dogs never used to travel so much on aeroplanes either, more radiation.

Bertie liked Coconut oil he would lick off my fingers. He knew I was a healer. During my life dogs often would come to see me, one dog from a neighbours asked to stay with me because he loved me. I told that chocolate lab that he had go home to his mum.

Another dog came asking for healing and a Reiki attunement I found out afterwards that the young black female lab had just returned from the vets because she had an ear infection. She put her head in my hands exactly where she was suffering, showing me where she would like to receive the healing.

Dogs are awesome pets and they're also amazing at medical detection too. The dogs, humanities best friend and they come with so much unconditional love to give.

When I was physically weak during the change of life and just wished for someone to carry me, I wrote how I felt like Lassie having been through the wars. At that time a dog came in dream state and licked me all over, that was a black lab that I once knew.

When I reviewed scripture I found that it was written how the dogs licked lazarus. Yes, the dog licked it with greater compassion that the rich men. It is the "Lazarus initiation" and I know I passed it with flying colours. The bible is an alchemical manuscript.


So anyone who denies an elderly person a dog for companionship, how can they call themselves a Christian, when the dogs are so prominent in the healing work.

Interesting that it was a woman that taught Jesus about the power of the dog. Whereas Islam has stood against dogs, so how can Islam be true when it is in direct conflict with the Christ teachings.

More Dog Paintings 

The bible says that dogs are more compassionate than rich people, that is certainly true. If a person can afford to put money on the stock market than a dog is more compassionate and merciful than you. Don't put your life on hold for anyone, it is time to make the right moves.

In Greece, the Greek army were waiting for the Syrian refugees with teargas on the border, Turkey opened the borders and the army were waiting to stop immigrants going into Greece and the rest of Europe. The Greeks are getting serious about the invasion of Europe now. It is written that there are 3.4 million Syrians in Turkey. 

As the Lord said "Justice is coming". 

Two English astrologers have highlighted the 22/23rd of March as a danger zone in the planetary configuration. So if you are interested in that take a look at the work of Patrick Arundell who mentioned it first to do with the Coronavirus. Steve Judd has also uploaded a global March video in the last 24 hours. 

In Hong Kong a dog was also tested positive for Coronavirus, so animals are definitely in jeopardy at this time. Although my view is still to say "No to panic, be pro-active, as Jesus said, never be afraid". 

Make sure that you've got your medicine pouch with your emergency healing oils for you and your pets. You can also make your own masks, I've recommended white cotton handkerchiefs with healing oils on them if you are having to travel on a bus, tube or train. 

I've been divinely restricted from travelling since 2019, I even had a dream telling me that I couldn't go to Israel for Christmas. Hence, I think that is when the Coronavirus began. 

In 2019, I bought a medicine pouch, I also began buying elderberry, and a woman brought me three cuttings from an elderberry tree to grow. Pre-Christmas I also bought a lime cordial, first time I've felt intuitively drawn to do that. 

Brandy is ideal for the lungs of humans as it keeps the air ways of the lungs open. Also Reiki healing is superb for people and animals due to it increasing the oxygen in the blood. Not only that but it also works on the Vagus nerve and the Vagus nerve impacts upon the functionality of the body. Healing meditations are also great for the Vagus nerve. 

Dog and Horses 

CRUFTS 2020 

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