
Saturday 29 February 2020


Tommy Robinson is back, in this video he gives a 15 minute speech at this "Hearts of Oak" event on the "Transgender Agenda". In his presentation he mentions Tavistock.

I've tried to get a link to the website. Will keep trying.

Kipper Central have provided an article on the event with a lot more information about the other speakers at the event and who organised it. The name of the new freedom movement is "Hearts of Oak".

It's an interesting use of symbology as the oak tree was the symbology given to yours truly by Jesus when he gave me the brief for the "LOVE UNION". I tried to get a Christian organisation interested in his brief, I contacted the Joseph Rowntree organisation to back yours truly with the Christ Union of the Love Union but they gave their awards to other people.

When Jesus gave me the brief originally, he spoke of how it would begin as it ended in ancient times.

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