
Saturday 29 February 2020


I did post this in the Oasis blogpost but it deserves its own blogpost.

Israeli scientists have made a discovery and they will have a vaccine for Coronavirus in three weeks.

Now the fact that the media in every country have not featured this hugely important story, just shows us that there must be a global agenda.  Because all the general populous is seeing is the globalist media pushing the Coronavirus into peoples faces on every front page instead of giving people some hope that a remedy is on its way quicker than you might think.

One American asked why has Trump contracted to manufacture 33 million masks each month. My response is that Trump is a businessman and he can see the opportunity for an export market of masks. What America doesn't require can be sold onto countries that do require them in an emergency.

I'm hoping that Trump and Pence will give Americans a reality check, it is the Israeli scientists that have come up with the fastest solution. America cannot continue to claim that it has the best scientists and doctors in the world. They've been called out on it before with the most recent case in the UK.

Scientists at the University of Cardiff discovered a new T-Cell that we have in our bodies that can kill cancer cells, they say they discovered it clearly by chance as they were looking for something else. That facility will be working with patients within a year.

Anyway, back to the Coronavirus. If you'd like to make your own mask experts from Hong Kong University have provided this video.

Do make sure that you've got your medicine pouch with your emergency healing oils,  I recommend carrying your healing oils with you. I bought my medicine pouch in 2019 after I received the medicine pouch painting.

Also boost your Vitamin D levels at this time and get your glycerin on.

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