
Thursday 6 February 2020


I was thinking of a male friend who is in a health battle at this time and while in communion with great Spirit I was given "Endocrine System". Then when I looked at youtube, Dr Eric Berg had uploaded a video on "Adrenal Fatique". The adrenals are some of the glands in the endocrine system of the body.

I have featured information on the adrenals on this blog in recent years including recipes specifically for it. So you might like to do a search on this blog for other blog posts for the adrenals.

In this video B1 is mentioned I have a B1 supplement to take for the eyes, although it's also great for the adrenals. When I had adrenal fatique that was causing chronic fatique due to the internal stress my body was experiencing in response to an emergency health issue, I started eating celery and making celery soups for the adrenals. I cooked with coconut oil and coconut milk too.

I also cooked a lot of carrot and coriander soup and coriander was given after the dream yesterday.

It's amazing how many health nutrients that you can pack into a soup. In 2019, I was given lemongrass divinely, so I now include lemongrass in my recipes and menus too. As lemongrass is also great for detoxing the body. Another reason why Israeli oncologists recommend their patients go to see the lemongrass farmer in Israel to get their lemongrass. Lemongrass also comes in a healing oil that a person can sniff, and or massage the body with in a carrier oil. Coconut oil works well as a carrier oil.

I also included fresh coriander in my salads. Once I discovered how powerful celery was for detoxing the adrenals I began growing it in 2016. Celery is great because we can grow it all year round in the UK due to celery liking the water that comes upon our country. I have started to grow lemongrass this year and I'm pleased to report that my lemongrass has rooted.

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