
Thursday 6 February 2020



5th of February, 2020

I can see the head of a dog has emerged in this painting from last night and it has long ears and a short nose. I can also see a head of a horse looking down to eat or drink. Recent paintings have animals in the paintings and I think they are symbolic. It is certainly congratulations to Donald John Trump on his best outcome of being acquitted forever yesterday. 

His American supporters and statesmen, lawyers and commentators did a magnificent job, Americans with common sense, rationality and reason showed the world what America is really made of. Trump is definitely top dog after he gave the greatest speech an American President has delivered with his State of the Nation address. 

I've said for a long time that Trump is the best American President in my lifetime. A man that really does care about all Americans, a man that really does listen just like the awesome dog that listens to it's owner. With hand on my heart I do believe that Trump listens to God. His love is so strong it carries him forward holding his head up. The Gemini Trump as so much energy, this Aquarian is a decade younger and I feel like sleeping for a week. 

"Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honour" Proverbs 21:21. 

In some translations it is loving devotion, whoever pursues righteousness and loving devotion finds life, prosperity and honour. There is no halfway with healing, you are either fully in it or out of it. It is the same with the Donald whose name means Healer in the gematria of his name. You are either fully supportive of his aims to help his people or you are not. 

From earlier in the week a lamb/kid with a halo receiving healing to its head. Chiron is in Aries until 2027 and Venus moves into Aries tomorrow. Healing for the love of the children, head, eyes, and nose. Ears, nose and throat. Healing to the back after birth, it is essential for babies that we take care of their little backs while their bodies are growing. Goats milk is great for babies after they come off of the breast. Goats milk is great for the back. 

In the most recent dream I was also painting and it signifies important changes.

In January, 2020 we received the rabbit and I can also see a mushroom in this painting. I do like mushrooms. The rabbit comprehends the tree of life and the environment, when the rabbit was offered the choice of organic or not, the rabbit always chooses organic. Even the rabbits know the difference in the food. As the bible says listen to the animals and they will show you the way.

"Ask the animals and they will teach you. Or the birds in the sky and they will tell you. Or speak to the earth and it will teach you, or let the fish in the see inform you". Job:7-8.

Another recent dog painting, December, 2019.

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