
Wednesday 5 February 2020


I've just woken up from a dream. I was painting and making wallpaper then when I was outside with the wallpaper, a little old lady arrived and she was being friendly.

I'd left the paint to dry outside her house. She said, "I've tried to talk to you a few times but you didn't seem interested in being friends".

I replied that I had said hello and smiled to her. Although I apologised for not stopping to talk due to being busy. I explained that it had been a difficult few years and that my life had only improved in 2019.

Then Prince Charles came along and admired the wallpaper and he asked me if I was going to hang the wallpaper up as he would like to see it up.

I replied, "Not yet, I have to wait for the paint to dry.".

Then he asked me and some other people if we would like to see his garden and his new plants.

So we went to see what he was growing. (I recognised the garden, the long strip of garden, I'd seen it in a previous dream, this is a recurring dream). The long strip of garden was behind where I was living, it was at the side of the barn.

We looked at his Spring plants and I then asked him if he was growing LEMONGRASS and he just looked at me with a grimace. His response was clearly that he wasn't growing what I was growing.

I smiled, as I knew what the lemongrass was for.

Then when I came back into full consciousness, I heard the word CORIANDER and I had a serious backache. I immediately thought of the fresh coriander in the kitchen that I eat raw in salad, sometimes I make carrot and coriander soup.

So it was good that the dream woke me up as it enabled me to give my back a stretch and I was able to watch Donald John Trump and his brilliant State of the Union address.

Once I had stretched my back, written and shared about the dream on-line, the pain in my back dissipated completely.


In dream interpretation to dream of artists paint signifies important changes. To dream of art you can anticipate a step up in your business or profession if you saw or discussed art in your dream.

If painting a house it indicates that important information that has been withheld from you will be forthcoming.

Wallpaper in a dream also has significance as it pertains to an alteration in social status and the meaning can be determined by the colour of the paint.

If you dream of a member or having a meeting with royalty, happiness, prestige and prosperity are forecast in the dream of being, seeing, or speaking to a member of it. If you dream of a Prince specifically it can indicate mixed blessings. You can anticipate ever-increasing prestige but you will have to guard against opportunist friends who will try to take advantage of you.

Seeing healthy plants are symbolic of good luck in your undertakings.

The dream included a barn and in dream interpretation to dream of a barn if it is in good condition and it was, it is another symbol of prosperity. We do like our barns and transforming them into homes in the UK. The barn in the dream had been transformed into a home and in the East of England, there are transformed barns all over the original farmland.

It is wonderful that they have such a great use, some of our English architects have done a great job in preserving our historical countryside and helping it to flourish. Even paddocks and stables have become homes, it really is lovely to see original buildings still standing from ancient times on our land. Our historic country, and it's land, our green pastures on which we still grow our food.

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