
Saturday 4 January 2020


Gifted with a notebook with butterflies on it and butterflies are symbolic of spiritual transformation.


An English friend is in a year of spiritual transformation until October, so I will write my 2020 notes in the gifted notebook. Interesting in the recent New Year George Michael dream we were on a train (the journey) and he was holding a paper notebook and in it he had made notes.

So 2020 is a year for journaling again, the spiritual journey and the messages received. On the 13th of February, the numeric of my life cycle changes, in it I ascend into a year for wisdom to be shared.

Venus is still in Aquarius until the 13th of January, and on-line some personalities and characters have been clashing, so I anticipate that has also been happening off-line too. Aquarius and its key word of freedom, Aquarius and it's laughter that is often to help people to relieve any stress or pressure that they might be under in their lives.

With Venus in my sun sign it brings forth my incurable romantic heart, hence it is a time when I am compelled to be poetic, Libra is ruled by Venus so it can be love that is the cause of the poetry.

In personal relationships, friendships and home life, I tend to be very relaxed and peaceful. It is in my work life that I can be a perfectionist and exalt high standards. The two very different sides of yours truly. As Jesus once said, "One side is all knowing and the other side is purity personified".

Laughter is like music it can be calming, energising and uplifting for the soul and Spirit. It is often the case that people from different backgrounds, people from different cultures and histories, even people of different ages don't always agree with each other due to not being on the same wavelength or page. So don't take it personally, if you find that you clash with anyone at this time, people were born to be unique individuals.

Aquarius is all about the freedom of the individual to express itself as freely as possible, free Spirits that cannot be contained, although even Aquarius has its boundaries to respect. When people respect the boundaries of the Aquarian energy, the Aquarian energy respects your boundaries.


Aquarius is known to be one of the most faithful and loyal signs of the zodiac, loyal in friendships, trustworthy and faithful in partnerships, integrity is essential for the Aquarian energy. When we truly love someone we are willing to hold on and work through any of the storms that might come our way.

Although there is a limit to what the Aquarian energy is willing to put up it, if and when our love is taken for granted. And that often comes as a surprise to people when we say "enough is enough".

So I wasn't surprised that the loyal Gerard Batten said "enough is enough", and resigned from UKIP during the Venus in Aquarius transit. I've had enough too of the NEC personality clashes and emotional rollercoasters that the NEC have created for the membership in 2019, so I didn't renew my membership of UKIP.

Mars in Sagittarius now so that is great for yours truly and taking journeys as it is in my ascendent sign for the next six weeks. I did find that holidays abroad in Europe have come down in price dramatically, so I am hopeful that I will getaway for some deserved sunshine to my body.

Happy New Year, Be Happy 2020, for you and for yours. The spiritual journey with health continues for spiritual transformation, I know that you know that you are blessed, as you told me so.


I had a wonderful therapeutic massage today at 5.00pm, I made another appointment for three weeks time. Before the massage I received this message while in the waiting room.


My hands are certainly free when they're not on the keyboard, big smiles. Hands free is terminology usually associated with mobile phones, although I don't take a mobile phone with me when I am in the car unless I am going on a long journey that could require it in an emergency.

Originally, I only bought a mobile for emergencies, so I don't give out my mobile number when asked for it, unless it is vitally important that someone has access to me while I am working on their case.

I bought daffodils and yellow tulips this evening, daffodils always remind yours truly of living with my parents in London, as we had a family tradition of who in the family could bring home the first daffodils for mum.

On the way home from school my son would collect daffodils, so that he could give his mum a bunch. He was such a thoughtful Aquarian child, absolutely adorable. I'd ask him, "Where did you get those daffodils from?" Bless him.

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