
Friday 10 January 2020



Have a great Lunar eclipse today. I am not surprised that Diana is in the news today and how she warned Harry "not to marry in haste". Even Diana referred to her son as an "airhead", I think it could be a generational thing as my son could also be like that too making decisions in haste and he is only a few years older than Harry, the same generation.

Harry was born in the year of the "rat" though and my son was born in the year of dog. The dog likes to stay home and they don't like moving to other locations. 

The Queen is in the driving seat after the shoot today, and she is wearing dogs on her head. Very symbolic indeed. 

Harry has been "threatening the monarchy" to get what Meghan "wants",  they've used "emotional blackmail" to force the monarchy into allowing them to do whatever they like with the titles that they were given by the Queen. 

Meghan has been very busy trademarking the brand and that cannot be done without permission of the crown. This case could end up in the high courts, as the British people support the titles being removed from Meghan and Harry. Oprah is now denying that she advised the couple to leave the monarchy and create her own brand on the back of a British Institution and one of our English counties. 

With Harry being born in the year of the "rat" and on the 25th this year, it becomes the year of the "metal rat", that indicates that it will be a very emotional year with "emotional battle wounds" for Harry. 

If Harry had called the shots in the beginning and been mature about it. This year would have been much better for him, but he didn't, he allowed an American actress to call the shots because he is clearly weak emotionally, although strong physically. 

At least Edward had the decency to retire from public life when he decided to marry an American divorcee that he was definitely targeted by. It has always been crystal clear to yours truly that Harry was targeted by the American Liberal Democrats. 

This eclipse was bound to be a very emotional time for Harry, with it being in Cancer, the sun sign of his mother Diana and George. 

Perhaps Meghan and Harry could take note that there is no climate emergency the scientists told the EU.

Diana and George Michael are close with yours truly, and they say that our journey together will continue. As Jesus said where two or three gather in my name there I shall be. As above, so below. Diana and George a heart connection, such compassionate action, united when on the planet, united in heaven in eternal love. 

George Michael loved his home being filled with flowers, and in ancient times Jesus also spoke of the flowers and he asked people to consider that even Solomon wasn't arrayed as great as these. 

Some people embraced big pharma to change nature, whereas I listened to Jesus and embraced nature to improve the change. The healing path, the highway to holiness as Prophet Isaiah referred to it. 

Tulips were the offering that I received this week. 

Tulip Floristry

George Michael Messages and Dream

My young neighbour is doing great, we talk things through together, his willingness has been impressive. He is a Libra born in the year of the horse, Libra is ruled by Venus and Venus is still in Aquarius until the 13th when it moves into Pisces.

I've advised him to take a gentle trot this year as doors will open for him and new opportunities will come for those born in the year of the horse.

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