
Sunday 12 January 2020

New Moon in Aquarius 24th January 2020

The 24th of January, 2020, a new moon in Aquarius, my sun sign. The 24th of January is the "Day of Magnetism". In my chart it is featured in my 2nd house. Richard Currey at Equinox wrote that this is not a significant new moon for me although the financial aspects of my life are featured with prioritising appropriately.

Interesting that the day before this new moon I have another massage booked and I do budget for the health treatments that my body requires monthly, and quarterly. I decide on my health plans at the start of each quarter.

Robert wrote that my assets and personal resources, limited as they are, are appreciated more at this time.

"All forms of communications, deals, negotiations, planning and travel tends to work well now. Being able to express myself fluently through the written and spoken words, enables ideas and messages to be conveyed for teaching purposes. Discussions, reading and browsing. Topics tend to be educational, philosophical, or address foreign, cultural or religious matters." 

I don't think there will be much further change in my life until my birthday in February, that is when the cycle leaps into a different energy. As we know energy follows thought and where I put my loving attention and intention really matters in this timeline.

In the last year I've been in a two year and that is all about creating harmony and balance in relationships, partnerships and friendships. Whether it was my own or other people's.

So it was great to receive messages from Lady Diana and George Michael, a great friendship those two, united in the heart of their souls.

That is likely to become less important in my life this year, creating harmony for others as I move into the next phase of my life in the numeric of three; as three relates to wisdom, and wisdom relates to business, wisdom more precious than rubies!

As scripture says in the book of Revelations this calls for wisdom and insight, this calls for a mind of wisdom.  So I am not surprised that the whole Obama situation has come up again for review due to the Obama's being involved in the lives of Meghan and Harry. There are pictures of Meghan with Obama in the White House in 2016, the Liberal democrats and Meghan is a woman with big ambitions with political aim!

Meghan being a Leo she knew exactly what button's to push to win Harry's fragile heart. The last thing that Harry should do is leave the UK and the family that really loves him, in America he would definitely become a lot more vulnerable than he is already. Meghan set fire to Harry's earth and his stability, his health is in great danger if he leaves the UK has she intends.

The American Liberal Democrats and their agenda has caused a constitutional crisis, the monarchy is not for sale. Although Meghan clearly thinks she can make it so because she is a Leo like Obama, another globalist that likes their own way!

Meghan has to learn that love is not for sale, integrity is not for sale, honour is not for sale! If Meghan had any wisdom or heart of conscience at all, she certainly wouldn't be a globalist supporting the Liberal Democrats in America.

So a new moon for magnetism, it will be interesting to see what happens as new moons are usually about new beginnings and new opportunities and with it being in Aquarius there will be plenty for Aquarians to say this year. Aquarius likes communications when it is fair and just, open to discussions and sharing with those that are coming from the right place of the heart in pure intentions.

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