
Monday 13 January 2020

Saturn in Pluto Conjunction

A lot of people are talking about the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn, so if you are interested in it, you might like to take a look at what happened during history when Pluto was in Capricorn.

The UK is one of the countries that is apparently ruled by Capricorn so it is bound to have huge impact on the meeting tomorrow at Sandringham. I think most people agree that there are some big reality checks coming for Meghan and Harry and the huge backlash has already begun.

UPDATE EDIT: Message received Monday morning, "She has broken protocol", hence that is a huge concern for the monarchy. The monarchy have an official procedure and system of rules for governing affairs of state. Do members of the monarchy have to sign an agreement to protocol legally? How about a confidentiality agreement?

The couple are in full swing with monarchy offensive being managed by Meghan's PR team in Canada, it's gone from allegations of "racism to sexism", the same old Liberal Democrat race card that the British public just throw straight back at them.

Now today, they're trying on the "jealous" and "unfriendly", American tactics. You can just see what's coming next, the next tactic is usually, the allegation of being "anti-American" when in fact, the Liberal Democrats are the most "anti-American".

The British military have responded by saying that Harry should put Queen and country first. To honour his pledge and allegiance to the Queen. The military don't support Harry making money from his position with commercial ventures. A majority of the British public agree with the military that the monarchy should not be privatised. Hence the title that was bestowed upon them both should not be used by them for monetary gain.

Being a Leo Meghan thrives on drama, Leo's like to create drama and Meghan is far from the modesty that House of Windsor like to convey. As already written, Meghan's fire has burnt the earth of Harry's stability and she has done her utmost to isolate him from his family, friends and British support network.  It is absolutely unprecedented and the British public are "disgusted" with their behaviour.

This is a great response from one of the journalists at the Daily Mail, we will call you and your PR team out Meghan!

Charles spent millions from his estate on Meghan and Harry and he says he and the family did their utmost to welcome the couple. Alas, it didn't matter how many millions and jewels were given to the couple, it is clear that Meghan would never be satisfied. Meghan has big ambitions with political aim.

From experience I know that the more you give a Leo the more they expect and feel they are entitled too have. Every whim, every "want", every "demand" is like giving into a toddler when in fact, toddlers have to be disciplined so that they learn that they cannot have everything that they would like to have or demand to have. Leo's like to be pampered, stroked constantly, and be the centre of attention.

From the viewpoint of a Spiritual Psychologist, it is clear that both Harry and Meghan are coming from a very low level of consciousness, they're coming from their root and sacral chakra level of consciousness of "I want".

It is a known fact that the Leo Meghan tried to upstage everyone, even her own husband was pushed out of the way at various events.  However, Queen Elizabeth was born in 1926 and she is a Taurus the Bull, born in the year of the Tiger. The Obama Leopard mentioned in scripture and his supporters are no match for a Tiger.

Pluto is in Capricorn until 2024. The Pluto in Capricorn generation 2008-2024.

The last time we had Saturn conjunct Pluto was in 1982, it happens approximately every 34 years.

1982 was a great year for yours truly, I was a single-mum on the up running my own part-time business and I had a full-time job, so it was a prosperous time in my own life. Doing everything I could to make sure that I could provide for myself and my son.

UPDATE 13th of January, 2020. 

The "I WANT" couple have been offered a transition period although the media didn't say how long the Tiger Queen has given them for their transition. What is of most concern is how they plan to build their business empire, as Meghan is willing to merchandise anything and everything.

Although I don't think that the Liberal Democrat will be merchandising guns do you? It's no coincidence that the summit was held at Sandringham where Harry would've gone shooting during his life, until Meghan stopped him from doing so. Meghan was born in the year of the Rooster and she is certainly a hen pecker of her husband. Even his speeches have changed to include Meghan jargon.

The merchandising and sponsorships could bring the monarchy into 'disrepute" just like the Clinton Foundation did in America.

Also their "emotionally immature" behaviour has already achieved that and I don't think that the backlash will stop, both in the UK and abroad, especially if the media report the facts of the case as it continues to be seen and unfold.

The British people didn't give the couple a free pass, the view was you are paid by us to work for us. I don't think that the north American patriots will give the "I WANT" couple a free pass either.

This girl has beagle eyes, she noticed that Meghan wasn't wearing her wedding ring on the latest visit to the UK. That is highly symbolic of an ultimatum in a marriage and we did anticipate the marriage self-destructing; as Meghan is known for pushing the destruct button when it suits her to do so.

This video is called "Insurance Policy".

Meghan has already said that she "wants" their permanent home to be in L.A. California, "after Donald John Trump is no longer President." So it looks like Meghan and Harry will be living in Canada for the foreseeable future. As we do anticipate that President Trump will be duly elected again for another five years.

What a Cancer Lunar eclipse it has been with all this going on for Diana's son's. William is a water sign born in Cancer the same has his mother. His moon is in cancer too and he is a water dog that prefers to stay at home, a man that loves his country. Kate is a Capricorn with her moon in Cancer. Charles is a Scorpio with a Taurus moon.,_Duke_of_Cambridge

Venus also moved into emotional, sensitive and intuitive Pisces today. The fishes, so it was bound to be an emotive yet pragmatic response from the monarchy. The meeting was held after lunch together, that is indicative of getting everyone to relax over a family lunch.

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