
Saturday 11 January 2020

12th January 2020 - 22 Energies

This chart taken in New York was interesting for the 12th of January, 2020. The 12th of January is the "Day of Adventure" as we know the numeric of 22 is a master number.  The text with the video from Molly McCord states the following:

"On January 12, 2020, the Sun, Ceres, Pluto, and Saturn are all conjunct at 22 degrees of Capricorn bringing a clear focus to this area of your natal astrology chart. 22 is a number of mastery and at a deep soul level we are deeply evolving across many lifetimes and dimensions of time". 

Where I differ to Molly is that each person has a unique journey and each person has the ability to find out what that journey is. All they have to do is look inside and outside of the self. Soul journey's don't always match and that is one of the reasons the Hindu's often look into it prior to the consent to arranged marriages. The soul journey evolves as each year there are different energies that are impacting upon the journey of the individuals. 

2020 is certainly a very interesting year for many different reasons, and I could certainly do with a spiritual adventure in the sunshine to give my body what it requires. 

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