
Thursday 9 January 2020


What do you plan to do on the Lunar Eclipse in Cancer on the 10th of January, 2020?


It is in the series of eclipses with the gematria of "The Finder". It is also the "Day of Realistic Assessment". When you scan a person's body with your healing hands of love are you able to make a realistic assessment of what is happening to that person's body? Do you take notes of what you find.

Do you know the difference between a Reiki I, Reiki II, and RM? In my experience RM is the beginning of the Reiki journey, everything prior to that is preparation for it. It is certainly a journey that spiritually transforms your life.




Can you feel where their energetic blockages are in their body, what do you find?  Do you receive divine messages to help the person while you have your hands upon them for healing with the power of love? Do you work with shells from the seashore and how helpful did you find the shells for helping people to transform their emotional blockages? Do you work with flower essences, aromatherapy oils, colour and music to help transform a person's life?

Diana and George Michael gave a beautiful message to yours truly, "New Life Is Coming". 2020 is a powerful year in more ways than one as the numeric of 20+20 = 40 the numeric associated with Moshe and the prophets.

Nostradamus associated the numeric of 40 with the Age of Iris, and how the Iris wouldn't be seen for 40 years and after that it could be seen everyday. The Christian mystic worked with flower essences for healing purposes and in the 90s I was led to do the same to help people on an emotional level.

Flower essences are great for children to help them, they're so gentle.

When one phase of the work finishes, the next phase begins and different people are brought to you for the new phase, the new life that is like the most beautiful fountain of fresh water that sparkles in the sunshine.

I work far more with healing oils now, I've found the healing oils help the physical body significantly. When something works for me then I am happy to recommend it to someone else to help them with their physical reality that they are experiencing. The oils are particularly helpful for people as they age, as the healing oils have a powerful impact upon the healing process when combined with massage and/or Reiki.

Aromatherapy oils and Reiki together are wonderful, I can understand why my chosen RM was also a qualified Aromatherapist. The most recent oil that I was given was the smell of Lemon and I found that is powerful for the lymphatic system in the body.

Last night the LORD spoke and he said, "BASIL", I like to eat basil fresh from the garden in the summer when I grow it. The King of Herbs as it is otherwise known. Herbs are great for the physical body, I like fresh and dry depending on what I am cooking. If my body requires something specifically, food wise for nutrition, the heavenly Father tells me so. So on this full moon lunar eclipse I shall eat fresh basil in my shabbat meal, it is lovely in salads too.

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