
Thursday 9 January 2020

VENUS in PISCES 13th January

The Lunar Eclipse in Cancer tomorrow, on the "Day of Realistic Assessment", in the series of "The Finder".

Then on the 13th of January, 2020, Venus moves from Aquarius and into Pisces. Some write that with Venus in Pisces it can indicate love that is unconditional although due to life experience of living with Pisces people both male and female, I didn't find that to be case. It is rare to find anyone that can truly live in unconditional love even for their children. I agree that Pisces can be very committed but it is often on the surface. Pisces is a very emotional sign and so is the sun sign of Cancer.

Pisces doesn't have the ability to hold back, they will tell you exactly what they think of you even though it is usually an emotional response and through their own lens of emotional perception. They live in the ocean of emotion and that can be detrimental for their health. So however people behave at this time don't take it personally just allow people to express themselves and what their feeling inside.

It can be a poetic and romantic time, although be careful of the intentions of others as they don't always declare their real intentions or respond to your questions when you delve into their reasons for their actions. Pisces can be very watery, very floaty, and the fish can be swimming in opposite directions to each other.

Pisces is the sign of the quiet ones and the quiet ones often get up to more than people know, they tend to internalise their emotions and then have emotional outbursts when they can't contain it anymore. That isn't really appreciated by us Aquarians because we like dialog and communication to keep everything on an even keel, relationships have to have communications, families have to communicate to come to an understanding of each other. You can't help people if they refuse to talk about what is bothering them. Hence the saying from the Holy Grail "What ails thee?".

With Pisces people it is important to review life and its circumstances on a regular basis to reach a mutual understanding of each other and where you are both coming from. Otherwise Pisces can drift off into their own realities and thought processes and what they think as absolutely nothing to do with what you think.

Pisces finds it hard to leave their own little world and emotional bubble of how they would like the world and people to be and therein can come the clashes in personalities when they don't get what they think they deserve, your total attention.

Pisces can be very emotionally demanding and they can put more demands on their partners than is necessary for healthy relationships and friendships. They like to get their own way in their lives, it is all about them and not enough about you. In my experience they only give their love if their needs are being met, if they don't feel that their needs are being met, then they're gone.

They don't discuss the process that they are experiencing or going through either they just act upon their emotions that usually relate to previous childhood wounds. In my experience they can trigger very easily and that can have a long term impact on those that love them.

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