
Thursday 9 January 2020

Meghan, Harry Pay Your Own Security Bill

Meghan and Harry have decided to move to North America for most of the time in Canada. Her American mother did come to live in England with her daughter but it appears that she has returned to America.

Meghan has big political ambitions with a globalist business agenda, a Liberal Democrat and a feminist that likes her own way. Friend of Obama's who has done his utmost to take down the President of America since he announced that he was running for President.

Biblical prophecy stands against Obama and his supporters, that includes Meghan and Harry, you can be sure that it will all end in tears. I saw trouble on the horizon as soon as I heard that Meghan and Harry were engaged to be married, and I, like others didn't stay quiet about it either. The testimony of warning was delivered in advance of the wedding.

It is no coincidence that this announcement has been made in the year of the 2020 American presidential election. As far as the palace is concerned it is currently in shock and so will the nation be once they realise the bigger picture and the consequences of their actions carried out while they were on their holidays. You can anticipate public pressure for all titles to be removed from them, and anything that has come from the public purse.

Meghan and Harry would still like the police protection that the British public purse pays for amounting to £600,000. My view is that they should pay for their own protection, from their own millions. Our British people shouldn't have to pay for anything for Meghan, Harry and their offspring. Let them pay for everything themselves.

Meghan plotted to go independent and to make millions on the back of a marriage to the British aristocracy, she married a very eligible bachelor with £30M that he inherited from his mother, Diana.

News from the palace is that "The level of deceit has been staggering and everyone from the top of the royal household to the bottom feels like they've been stabbed in the back". 

They've been given enough already, as one of the aides said, "They were given the wedding they wanted, the house they wanted, the office they wanted, the money they wanted, the staff they wanted, the tours they wanted and the backing of their family. What more did they want?".

Let them leave and not come back, enough of their antics. At least when Edward married an American divorcee he had the decency to go into exile and live a peaceful and quiet life. Not Meghan, she's planning on being a global celebrity with political aim.

Diana would be furious with Harry for numerous reasons. It was clear that Meghan never had any intention of moving to Africa, she doesn't like roughing it in the outback like he does. She's not really the outdoors type, the actress likes the film studios and that is why she's heading back to Canada.

For Meghan's global agenda to have any chance at all she had to move back to where she has the majority of her support base in North America. The Meghan plot has been obvious since they first met in Canada, it was a complete set-up of Harry by the Liberal Democrats. Just like Edward was set-up and targeted previously by America.

History repeating itself when there is a weak man in their sight. It is often the case that men are weak emotionally when their dads did not exalt their mothers or in situations when their dads gave their mothers a really tough time. Like Charles did with Diana, Charles treated Diana terribly, so now Harry tries to make up for what his dad did to his mother, with his own wife. That never leads to true happiness in relationships because it is not on equal footing due to the suffering of their mothers.

What happens is that those men choose a woman due to their childhood wounds, and it is rarely, real love that they experience due to them always trying to please the woman of their affections, instead of putting their foot down and being emotionally mature about it. As Piers Morgan said, "Meghan always gets what Meghan wants".

Many people said that Meghan would return to North America within five years, yes we were absolutely correct. Meghan and Harry should repay the £2.4 million that the British public paid for the renovation of their home, Frogmore Cottage.

You'd like to go independent then you can pay for your own renovations, plus some are saying that they might have to pay rent to the Queen if they wish to stay living at Frogmore Cottage when they're in England because it is owned by the crown.

As they don't plan to spend much time living in the UK, Frogmore Cottage is an extravagance and could be given to someone else that is actually going to live there. They can afford to buy themselves a flat in London for when they visit the UK, they've got £34M.

Harry was born in 1984, he's a Virgo born in the year of the "Rat", and on the 25th of January, 2020 the Chinese New Year of the "Metal Rat", kicks in. It indicates that Harry should've called the shots for it to be a good year for him, instead he let Meghan call the shots and allowed his emotions to overtake his allegiance to our country and his family.

He is strong physically, and weak emotionally, William has been very concerned about his state of mental health prior to this announcement.

There is already a huge backlash about the choices that he has made for his wife and that will definitely increase. It signifies that the Virgo Harry, will gain "emotional battle wounds" during 2020 that will not be to his liking as emotions impact upon his health.

It can be a pleasurable year for him, although I don't think he will be satisfied with the outcome due to the decisions that were made without consultation with his family. They might think they can save the day with another pregnancy by the end of 2020, if things don't go the way that Meghan has planned it.

We knew from the beginning that Meghan the feminist Liberal Democrat definitely wears the pants in that relationship and eventually he will tire of it and become resentful of it.

The British people have not given the couple a free pass just because he married an American actress, so Meghan seeks popularity elsewhere in north America and plans on making more money than even the Obama's £65M. Perhaps the American media will buy Meghan's tears, the English are far more discerning.

The English like integrity and honour, for who can stand without it? Just remember how one of our English comedians called out the whole of Hollywood for it's "hypocrisy" recently.

Katie Hopkins response, "Harry's very public castration is complete".

I referred to this decade as the decade of "The Generator", and Meghan and Harry have certainly generated a huge backlash against them both, I think it will be an emotional rollercoaster for Harry and there will certainly be huge repercussions. He has to learn that he can't take his families love for granted.

With Mars in my ascendent sign of Sagittarius there was bound to be some drama going on, and Meghan likes to create a drama as she gains even more PR. Meghan can anticipate a very feisty response from our people.


Latest news from the monarchy, Charles and William are outraged that they were only told ten minutes prior to the announcement. The announcement also upstaged Kate's 38th birthday celebrations.

Harry has been asking for a meeting with his grand-mother since his return from Canada and she said he had to talk to his dad first. He won't be able to twist his gran around his little finger this time due to him overstepping the boundaries of appropriate protocol. Apparently, the website that they've launched was designed ten months ago, as I thought, it has been a long time in the planning stages.

This report states that this is war against Harry's family and courtiers have warned that Meghan and Harry will be punished for going against crystal clear orders from the Queen.

Latest update:

Meghan abandons her husband to face the music alone, while she fled back to Canada where they left their son with the nanny. Meghan, the American actress is so predictable, so dramatic, the backlash to what she has done is huge. Whatever the monarchy decide about it, it won't stop the backlash from the general public both in the UK and abroad.

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