
Sunday 15 December 2019


During the night I received an awful nightmare. It began when I noticed all of the plants in my container garden had been taken. Then armed robbers arrived, the police were called three times, three times the police left and did nothing. The first time that the police arrived they were also armed with guns.

The armed robbers, they were African and it sounded like they had come via London. They came into my home three times while I was in it. The nightmare caused such anxiety that I could hardly speak during it. I spoke to a neighbour about it and he didn't care. Then women started arriving with baby prams and there were no babies in the prams and they were laughing.

This is the second robbery dream in five days, the last robbery dream was on the 10th of December, then five days later another robbery dream.

A dream of England is a forerunner of difficult situations involving a lack of co-operation which will require great tact and patient effort to overcome. To dream of having a nightmare is a rare phenomenon and it can be due to post trauma.

However, to dream of a robbery and having your valuables taken can be a dream of contrary, it can indicate unexpected gain, if cash is involved it can be a warning dream to be careful how you handle your cash. My technology was involved too, they were after anything and everything that I had in my home.

Police in a dream are a symbol of security in your life, it can indicate that unexpected help will come to help you. The numeric of three is also important and it relates to wisdom.

Knives in a dream can indicate "personal strife", and guns in a dream can forecast an "injustice", either to you or someone in your close circle and you have to fight hard to overcome it. If you suffered from anxiety in your dream, it is a dream of contrary and your concerns will soon be relieved.

Prams carry babies, like cars carry people, prams carry babies to where they have to go and there was no babies in the prams. A baby is symbolic of new life and the continuation of life on our planet.

The dream began with all of the container garden being taken away, and growing plants indicates a contented home life and that was taken away in the dream.

A dream of England and its contentment was taken away by the African economic immigrants that were robbing it, that is one of the reasons for the breaking of the gridlock in the recent election of Boris Johnson. The safety and the security of our people is paramount, it's not going to be easy but it has to get sorted out.

Economic migrants cannot be allowed to "terrorise" our people, they must be deported with their families and any future immigration must be the absolute minimum. Have my people been under "psychic attack" too, I do think so. In 2019, I had a run in with an economic migrant social worker to defend our children and we know what her plan was and is because another baby is on the way in 2020.

Not only that but the globalist Obama supporters tried to impact upon our election on Twitter and social media, they thought that by deplatforming our patriots and activists that the American and EU globalists could win. We showed them different, the silent majority voted with their feet at the ballot box.

An article from Douglas Murray on the outcome of the election and why.

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