
Sunday 15 December 2019


After I posted the most recent dream of the African robbers, the first video that I looked at on youtube had a woman from Kenya telling people that Jesus was black.

So if you see anyone telling anyone else that Jesus was black I recommend that you share this amazing bust of him that was found during the excavations of the remnants of the ancient Greco-Buddhist city that existed on the borders of what is now known as Afghanistan.

It is the most perfect depiction that I've ever seen of him. A friend of mine travelled through those parts in the 70s and he said the tribesmen were still talking about the holy man that came to them from Israel. Africans shall not take away our spiritual heritage of Jesus the Jew, not on my watch they won't, watchtower for the flock.  As it is written, he told his healers that spirits will submit to you. Luke 10:20 And many spirits from different cultures have done so. Rejoice healers your names are written in heaven.

The American and EU globalists can't win because we stand in integrity. Prophet Isaiah warned us in advance not to make all of the fields one, he was telling his healers that it is no to the globalist N.W.O.

I've seen that the globalists are planning on a global meditation again, like firing the grids that they were warned not to do in 2007. So put up your shields as some of our people are under "psychic attack" from the globalists and their supporters.

The globalists thought they could take our election on social media by deplatforming our patriots and activists. We still won, we broke the gridlock in parliament and it was a long time coming. We hit a six, we know how to play hard ball cricket to knock the Obama globalists out of the field.

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