
Sunday 15 December 2019


The UK is definitely buoyant this weekend, after the Gemini Boris won the election on the Gemini full moon.

On the 15th we have "buoyant Jupiter making a positive angle to energising Uranus and this aspect can bring fortunate events out of the blue" reports Patrick Arundell.

"The coming week or so can see us excited by an opportunity that could take us in a direction that we have wanted to go" he wrote.

I have Jupiter in Gemini in my birth chart, the communicator, known to be impartial and open-minded. Being able to see all sides of the situation. It's a great placement for the analysis that I have been involved in during my work life. It is a time for moving on, expansion of the work and life of the great communicator of change. Change is the only constant. Jupiter is incredibly positive in Gemini and it is compatible with my sun sign.

My birth chart for this timeline mentions my unselfish generosity that enables growth at home and opportunities in work. Robert Currey wrote "A willingness to help for no personal reward, social contacts and being part of a community, bring opportunities to your career and improve your home life. Family relationships flourish through your understanding of the deeper issues and your ability to generously give of yourself to others in need". 

There's the winter solstice on the 21st, then Chanukah on the 22nd-30th, the Jewish festival of lights, and a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on the 25/26th depending on where you are living on the planet.

A Christmas Solar Eclipse, how wonderful is that too.

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