
Thursday 21 November 2019


This is the second painting that looks like a dog received this month, I also saw a Spirit dog looking out of the drivers window in my car this week.

The dog was looking up at me where healing was being given and received. I did wonder if the lady that owned the car before I did, had a dog, the dog seen in the distance looked like a small Border Collie from it's colouring and head shape.

Dogs keep on appearing before me in different realities. I am going to call this painting, Spirit Dog.

Dogs have an amazing spiritual connection, they often know what is going to happen prior to it happening. When I meet dogs whilst walking, they will often jump up to give me a kiss on the face.

Dogs are interesting, like children, how they feel drawn towards some people and not others. We also know that some children and dogs can see auric fields.

Sometimes they will lay down and show me where they would like to receive healing when I meet the dogs. Hence I give the dogs what they ask for in my presence, sometimes the younger dogs just like to receive a cuddle and a smile. Just like some children do.


21st of November, 2019
The computer pic looks so different to the artwork.
Sometimes the paintings take on a life of their own. 

The paint was spread last night for this painting and the colours include purple, yellow, pink and orange. There is a lot of yellow in the painting, and the healing oil that has been given in the last week is lemongrass. Lemongrass is great for gums, skin and general purification.

With humans in Asia lemongrass is chewed for keeping the teeth and gums clean. Humans can drink lemongrass tea. Lemongrass is also being looked at in "Cancer research', although a lot more research is required with Lemongrass.

Unfortunately, due to new technology, 4g and 5g, I have noticed that far too many dogs are "dying due to cancer." Most dogs used to pass over due to natural causes, of course that was prior to the new technology.

If a dog eats the lemongrass plant it can upset their stomach as their intestines are not used to digesting plants. Although I don't see any reason why a dog couldn't be allowed to smell it from the bottle or in a carrier oil. If the dog requires it, they will come back for more.

Recently I met a local lady and she has had numerous dogs pass over due to "cancer", she herself also said that she'd had "stomach cancer".  I asked her if she used a laptop and or carried a mobile phone in her pocket.

Interesting that every time I got a laptop it was taken away from me, so after that happened with numerous laptops, I decided it was divine intervention and resigned myself to the fact that laptops were not for me.  I returned to using a more stable desk computer full-time.

Dogs love receiving Reiki healing, and they're also wonderful healers too. We also give flower essences to dogs for their emotions and to help them with their behaviour, a natural cure from nature.

For physical ailments we tend to allow the dogs to smell the appropriate aromatherapy oils and give them hands on healing. Again nature provides the healing for the ailments.

Although Shiatsu for dogs is also available in the UK and that was developed after Shiatsu for Horses. Dogs have meridians, just has people do. The last I heard from a former colleague she was writing a book about it and of course is still teaching it.


This painting was uploaded on the 16th of November, 2019. 

Due to the amount of times that dogs are being shown to me in different realities, I have contacted a couple of local animal rescues today with the hope of meeting up with them in 2020.

I am also looking for a companion therapy dog to work with yours truly, as most elderly people love a dog, children love a dog too. Remember this - a dog licked it!

Human's best friend, the dog is symbolic of the unconditional love that they bestow. In return the healing community have done wonderful work with the animals. While people were learning how to heal the animals they were also learning how to heal themselves.

When people were learning how to heal themselves they were also learning how to heal the animals. We even did "inner child" healing work with the dogs and looked at their past life experiences to heal those too.  It has been an incredible spiritual journey, in so many different realities.

If you like any of my paintings, please do not hesitate to enquire about them.

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