
Thursday 21 November 2019


I've received another dream. In the dream I was in a hospital with a doctor that was showing me a scan of a baby in the womb. It was a female baby with long hair, I was so happy that I was carrying a little girl in my womb.

Then I was having some hospital treatment.

In dream interpretation if you are visiting a hospital or helping in one predicts surprising news. To see a baby, if it was pretty you will be fortunate through the help of friends.

After I had the dream, the post arrived and there was a letter from the hospital, and the appointment is for January 2020 for a Spine assessment.

A baby is also symbolic of new birth and new beginnings and the appointment is for the new year.

The baby can also be symbolic of birthing new life and a new phase in the life.

The appointment is on the "Day of Substantiation". The proof and evidence has been provided due to the x-rays already provided, the NHS consultants can no longer deny the spinal injury exists. What they know about my body now, I knew ten years ago when the accident in the bath happened.

Prior to my appointment with the hospital in January, I have another appointment with my therapeutic massage therapist in the first week in December.

This is the painting from last night. 

When I saw the consultant cardiologist a few years ago about the thread veins ejecting blood he gave no recommendations or instructions.

However, we know how important K2 is to to the veins and the little blood explosions can be due to a K2 deficiency. [1]

A K2 deficiency can also be the cause of other conditions experienced by the skin and two different people that I know have a particular internal skin condition and they are both elderly and they both have food allergies. We know scientifically that allergies can also be caused by cuts in childhood, as it mutates genetics. [2]

Neither of their GPs knew the name of the specific skin health condition that the two elderly ladies have and that it is mainly experienced by elderly women.

In one of my soul retrieval case studies, past life healing was required due to a wheat allergy caused by a rape in a wheat field in a past life. Hence past life memories can also be a factor in allergies in the unconscious mind fields.

1. Dr Eric Berg, K2 and Pathological Calcification.

2. May issue of New Scientist, 2006.

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