
Friday 22 November 2019


Last Sunday, I shared with you the importance of K2 for the arteries with Dr Eric Berg's video on pathological calcification.

Today Dr Greger has shared a Flashback Friday video on the research on Alzheimers and Atherosclerosis of the Brain. Based upon the scientific evidence it's a vascular condition.

However, in the UK if you are referred to a consultant for a vascular condition, the consultant provides no explanation for any thread vein blood explosions, what is happening to your body and or how you can remedy the situation with supplements or what nutrition is required. All they are interested in is if you require an urgent operation.

The same with people that experience small blood clots or blood explosions in the brain. The fact of the matter is that most doctors in hospitals are trained to be surgeons, rather than doctors of prevention when the earliest symptoms are seen.

To be doctors of prevention of health conditions increasing and how to reverse it, then doctors would require serious training in nutrition. In fact, all patients could be referred to a nutritionist, although even nutritionists in the UK really have to be brought up to date.

The last time I spoke to a woman that had done a three year degree in nutrition, I asked her if she had been taught what I had been sharing with her and she replied, "No". As we know the NHS in the UK is 20 years behind other western countries due to a lack of investment in our national healthcare. Also hiring doctors that were trained in non-western cultures is most unsuitable for our people and culture.

As some of those countries and cultures don't even experience the same health conditions that westerners do, and westerners don't suffer from some of the health conditions that non-western countries do.

It always costs a lot more in the long run, when successive governments neglect what is crucial to be addressed. Healthcare must be a priority for individuals and governments due to the high cost of keeping our western nations has healthy as possible.

We also know that the medical condition can be reversed with improved nutrition as featured in the British media and by the Alzheimers Society due to the society being so impressed by the case study. In this case the 82 year old lady was helped by her son.

So then ask yourselves are you MILES AHEAD of your GPs whose training is already out of date by the time they qualify? It has taken the local NHS hospital ten years to accept that I have a spinal injury that goes all the way back to 2009. I was seen by various departments and consultants I wasn't satisfied with any of them. It even took me nearly 7 years to obtain an MRI scan, and even then they scanned the lower back and not the whole back.

So here we are ten years later and now referred back for a spinal assessment due to a neck x-ray.  It really is outrageous that our people are suffering so much at the hands of private companies within the NHS. My case shows that there is no continuity of care after numerous visits to A&E.

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