
Thursday 24 October 2019


Just before midnight on the 23rd of October, 2019, I was woken from sleep by a landline telephone dream. The phone rang three times. The first two times the phone rang once. Then the third time the phone rang, it rang long enough for me to pick up the phone.

On the other end of the phone was an Englishman, I'd say he was in his 60-70s. He sounded like he was in a panic, a really urgent phone call, it sounded like something had just been dropped and he just had to let me know.

He said, 'THE STATE WILL BE FAIR" and then he put the phone down. He sounded like someone that I've met, and in my life, very few people have my home telephone number. The man that phoned, clearly knew who I was.

In spirituality, the numeric of three is very important. When you receive something three times and the phone rang three times. Clearly, the message was immediate and the consequences of it is happening now.

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